
What is the main factor that controls the strength of the concrete?

What is the main factor that controls the strength of the concrete?

Concrete strength is affected by many factors, such as quality of raw materials, water/cement ratio, coarse/fine aggregate ratio, age of concrete, compaction of concrete, temperature, relative humidity and curing of concrete.

How do you make high strength concrete?

Methods for Production of High-Strength Concrete

  1. Use of Admixture.
  2. Re-Vibration.
  3. High-speed Slurry Mixing.
  4. Inhibition or Prevention of Cracks.
  5. Sulfur Filling or Impregnation.
  6. Use of Cementitious Aggregates.
  7. Seeding.

What affects concrete strength the most?

Water/Cement Ratio The ratio of the weight of water to the weight of cement is called Water/Cement ratio. It is the most important factor for gaining the strength of concrete. The lower w/c ratio leads the higher strength of concrete. Too much water leads to segregation and voids in concrete.

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How W C ratio affects the strength of concrete?

Water cement ratio inversely related with the strength of concrete if water cement ratio increases then the strength decreases and vice versa. And directly related to the workability because if water cement ratio increases then the concrete more wet and more consistence and can be placed easily.

Does high strength concrete have more aggregate?

High-strength concrete containing basalt and normal-strength concrete containing basalt or limestone yield higher compressive strengths with higher coarse aggregate contents than with lower coarse aggregate contents.

What is the difference between high strength and high performance concrete?

High-strength concrete is defined by its compressive strength at a given age, whereas high-performance concrete is defined by its performance criteria namely: high durability, high strength, and high workability. High-performance concrete (HPC) is one that has been designed to be far more durable than regular options.

What are its limitations and effects on strength of concrete?

Compared to other binding materials, the tensile strength of concrete is relatively low. Concrete is less ductile. The weight of compared is high compared to its strength.

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Does strength of concrete decrease with time?

Rate of Strength Gain With Time But this rate of hydration is fast at the early stages and delays later. The compressive strength gained by concrete is thus measured at its 28th day after which the rate of strength is lowered.

What are the controlling water cement ratios?

Water–cement ratios of 0.40 to 0.60 are more typically used. For higher-strength concrete, lower ratios are used, along with a plasticizer to increase flowability. Too much water will result in segregation of the sand and aggregate components from the cement paste.

What happens if concrete strength is too high?

A high strength may cause the concrete to be more prone to cracking (serviceability concern). Un-designed high strength may be detrimental in seismic design where you want members to fail in certain locations and in certain modes.

Should you use high strength concrete?

By carrying loads more efficiently than normal-strength concrete, high-strength concrete also reduces the total amount of material placed and lowers the overall cost of the structure. The most common use of high-strength concrete is for construction of high-rise buildings.

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