
What is the rarest Patronus?

What is the rarest Patronus?

The albatross
The albatross is the rarest Patronus on our list; the one belonging to the lowest number of Wizarding World fans. With the longest wingspan of any bird – up to 11 feet – the albatross surfs the ocean winds for hours, hardly even needing to flap.

What is a Kingfisher Harry Potter?

The kingfisher is a brightly coloured bird of the Coraciiformes family that ranges in size from small to medium. It is one possible corporeal form of the Patronus Charm.

What does your Patronus represent?

As Professor Lupin told Harry in Prisoner of Azkaban, the Patronus is ‘a kind of Anti-Dementor – a guardian which acts as a shield between you and the Dementor. Each Patronus is unique to the witch or wizard who conjures it, and it’s possible, in some cases, for a Patronus to change.

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What does it mean to have a swallow as a Patronus?

Having a Swallow as your Patronus means you find comfort in happy endings. A Slytherin’s main drive is their ambition and passion, and nothing makes one happier than finally achieving their goal and winning the prize they’d long sought.

Is a kingfisher a good patronus?

Having a Kingfisher as your Patronus means you find comfort in appearances. Like many Slytherins, you are someone who values the way the world sees you, and you are very careful in how your are presented.

What does dolphin patronus mean?

Those who claim the dolphin patronus are very often both intelligent and expressive, and thus are very likely to be placed into Ravenclaw. They are also usually well received by those around them, though being shy is not completely out of the question.

What does a wildcat patronus mean?

The wildcat patronus symbolizes ones ability to survive and adapt. Those who conjure the wildcat are very resourceful and can make incredible split second decisions to get out of trouble. If this patronus belongs to you it is most likely you are a creature of habit and it is difficult to change your ways.

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What does sparrow hawk patronus mean?

Sparrow hawks represent focus and determination. They remind us to understand the past, the present, and the future, and to not be so caught up in minor inconveniences. Above all, the sparrow hawk represents alertness, as they are known as warning totems that let others know when to avoid a situation.

What is Lupin’s Patronus?

Remus Lupin/Patronus

According to J.K. Rowling’s Pottermore entry on Remus, his Patronus was a normal wolf, not a werewolf, due to their non-threatening and family-orientated nature. However, since Lupin hated all things wolf, he shied away from casting corporeal Patronuses, instead opting to produce non-corporeal ones.

What does it mean to have a Patronus?

Answer Wiki. A patronus shape is unique to the person. A patronus itself is a protective force against despair conjured by concentrating on an especially happy memory. I have a kingfisher patronus-a kingfisher is a bird- and I expect a fair amont of people who frequent Pottermore also have this assigned to them.

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What is Kinglsey’s Patronus in Harry Potter?

The first appearance of Kinglsey’s Patronus was also during The Deathly Hallows. Although it differs in the film, appearing as a noncorporeal, Kingsley’s Patronus takes the form of a Lynx in the original book. This predator Cat materialized at Bill and Fleur Weasley’s wedding to warn of the fall of the Ministry of Magic.

What does a unicorn Patronus mean in Harry Potter?

According to Newt Scamander, the unicorn ‘is a pure white, horned horse when fully grown’. They generally avoid human contact, so a unicorn Patronus might indicate shyness in a personality as well as an air of mystery. Although it doesn’t follow that a magical Patronus is more powerful than any other, it may reflect an ‘unusual personality’.

What is the Patronus for the Gryffindor twins?

These Gryffindor twins were the most important people in each other’s lives. Fittingly they shared the same Patronus form. The Weasley twins conjured Patronus that took the shape of a Magpie, a small but loud crow-like bird.