
What is the rarest thing in MLB?

What is the rarest thing in MLB?

The unassisted triple play, a triple play in which only one fielder handles the ball, is the least common type of triple play, and is arguably the rarest occurrence in baseball: it has happened only 15 times since 1900 at the major league level.

What are the rarest feats in baseball?

The following is a list of rare baseball events….Individual batting/hitting.

Event # of occurrences References
Grand slam in first major league game 2 Baseball Almanac
7 hits in a 9-inning game 2 Baseball Almanac
12 runs batted in during a game 2 Baseball Almanac
Grounding into 4 double plays in a game 2 Baseball Almanac

How rare is a triple in baseball?

How rare is a triple? Around 2\% or one in fifty hits are triples. Teams average around eight and a half hits per game.

Has an unassisted triple play happened?

In MLB, a total of fifteen players have fielded an unassisted triple play, making this feat rarer than a perfect game. The most recent player to make an unassisted triple play is Eric Bruntlett, accomplishing the feat on August 23, 2009. Only Neun and Bruntlett executed unassisted triple plays that ended the game.

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How rare is an unassisted triple play?

Unassisted triple plays The rarest type of triple play, and one of the rarest events of any kind in baseball, is for a single fielder to complete all three outs. There have only been 15 unassisted triple plays in MLB history, making this feat rarer than a perfect game.

Whats more rare a perfect game or no-hitter?

A no-hitter is a rare accomplishment for a pitcher or pitching staff—only 314 have been thrown in MLB history since 1876, an average of about two per year. A no-hitter in which no batters reach base at all is a perfect game, a much rarer feat.

Are triples harder than home runs?

A triple is sometimes called a “three-bagger” or “three-base hit”. For statistical and scorekeeping purposes it is denoted by 3B. Triples have become somewhat rare in Major League Baseball, less common than both the double and the home run….Season.

Player Year Number of triples
George Treadway 1894 26

What are the odds of an unassisted triple play in baseball?

a 1 in 12,492
There is a 1 in 12,492 chance that you will see an unassisted triple play.

What is the rarest kind of triple play?

Unassisted triple
Unassisted triple plays The rarest type of triple play, and one of the rarest events of any kind in baseball, is for a single fielder to complete all three outs. There have only been 15 unassisted triple plays in MLB history, making this feat rarer than a perfect game.

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How many times has there been an unassisted triple play?

The unassisted triple play is one of the rarest fabulous feats in Major League baseball. It has been accomplished only fifteen times in baseball history and as illustrated in the quote below, it is a legacy that will follow each and every player who has ever accomplished this unbelievable feat.

Is an immaculate inning rarer than a perfect game?

Throwing an immaculate inning is a rare accomplishment in baseball. According to Wikipedia as of 9-12-2021, 105 immaculate innings have taken place in the game. As a note, this chart came from data as of June 2021. Since 1889, an immaculate inning takes place .

How far does a baseball player run if they hit a triple?

Because of the nature of a triple — with the batter covering three bases, or 270 feet — there is almost always a close play at third base.

What is an unassisted triple play in baseball?

In baseball, an unassisted triple play occurs when a defensive player makes all three outs by himself in one continuous play, without his teammates making any assists. Neal Ball was the first to achieve this in Major League Baseball (MLB) under modern rules, doing so on July 19, 1909.

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What is the rarest play in baseball?

While I can’t find the statistics on this event, I would say that the rarest play in baseball is an unassisted triple play where no one on the field touches the ball after it has been struck by the batter. To my knowledge, this happened in a Triple A game in the early 2000’s. This is the scenario as I remember it:

Who is the most recent MLB player to do a triple play?

Second baseman Eric Bruntlett may not be a household name in Major League Baseball, but he does currently sit as the most recent player to achieve an unassisted triple play. The second baseman caught a line drive, stepped on second base and tagged out a runner to end the Phillies’ game against the New York Mets on August 23, 2009.

What is the most unassisted triple play in tennis?

Unassisted triple play. The most recent player to make an unassisted triple play is Eric Bruntlett, accomplishing the feat on August 23, 2009. Only Neun and Bruntlett executed unassisted triple plays that ended the game.