
What is the WAIS IV FSIQ?

What is the WAIS IV FSIQ?

The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) is an IQ test designed to measure intelligence and cognitive ability in adults and older adolescents. It is currently in its fourth edition (WAIS-IV) released in 2008 by Pearson, and is the most widely used IQ test, for both adults and older adolescents, in the world.

What do WAIS-IV scores mean?

This index reflects an individual’s ability to understand, use and think with spoken language. It also demonstrates the breadth and depth of knowledge acquired from one’s environment. It measures the retrieval from long-term memory of such information.

What is a good FSIQ score?

While each program has its own entrance requirements, an FSIQ of 115 – 129 is generally considered “mildly gifted,” an FSIQ of 130 – 144 is generally considered moderately gifted, and an FSIQ of 145 to 159 is generally considered “highly gifted.”

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What is the WAIS-IV IQ test?

The WAIS-IV is an IQ test that actually consists of 15 mini IQ tests (subtests), however to differentiate the subtest scores from overall IQ scores, the subtest scores are expressed as scaled scores.

What is the highest possible score on the WAIS?

The highest possible score here is 99.9\%. The average percentile is 50\%, so a percentile of 50 would equate to an IQ of 100. This score will show how the examinee did on the test compared to other people his age. If the percentile is 60, for example, he did better than 60\% of others who were tested using the WAIS.

What is the prorated sum of the WAIS-IV scores?

The prorated sum is 187.3, remarkably close to the 186 he actually obtained on the 10 core subtests. Prorating works! Unfortunately, the WAIS-IV assigns all sum of scaled scores of 181 or higher, an IQ of 160. however we can estimate, from the roughly linear relationship between sum of scaled scores and IQ, that he is above 160.

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What is a good score on the Wechsler IQ test?

Wais Score Interpretation. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV (WAIS-IV) is an IQ test that is given by psychologists and measures global intellectual functioning. It includes both verbal and nonverbal components. The average score for all tests and subtests is 100; thus, a score of over 100 is above average and below 100 is below average.