
What is the white smoke that comes out the back of airplanes?

What is the white smoke that comes out the back of airplanes?

1. Contrails are formed when vapor from the engines freezes. The trails left behind by planes are officially called contrails, short for concentration trails. They form a bit similarly to how the breath you exhale can condense into vapor on a cold day.

What is the smoke that comes out of fighter jets?

Contrails, short for “condensation trails”. They are not smoke from the engines, they are formed when the water in jet exhaust (and there’s quite a lot of it, like car exhaust on a cold day) mixes with wet cold air, and condenses and freezes into ice crystals.

Why do planes stop in mid air?

Lowering flaps and gear will add significant drag, which causes the plane to decelerate. Your body feels that, but without visual reference to the ground, your brain has no way to know what speed it was traveling before or after that deceleration.

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What is aerobatic smoke?

That is how you create aerobatic smoke for a jet or piston engine aircraft. This type of smoke oil system injects the smoke oil through a nozzle several inches away from the turbine exhaust. The exhaust and shear forces create a fine mist into the exhaust, producing airshow quality smoke.

How do air show planes make smoke?

The smoke is produced by pumping biodegradable, paraffin-based oil directly onto the hot exhaust nozzles (pistons engines) or exhaust fumes (jet engines) of the aircraft where the oil is instantly vaporized into thick smoke. A similar effect may be produced by special generators with an external power supply system.

Why do some planes freeze in the air?

An airplane can however or “freeze” above the ground (have zero ground speed) if the speed of a head wind it is flying into is greater than the stall speed of the airplane. In fact it can even go backwards relative to the ground.

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Do airplanes have secret rooms?

On most planes, these secret sleeping quarters are hidden behind the cockpit, either above first class or underneath passengers. Entrances can vary from secret stairwells in what looks like a closet to secret hatches that look like overhead bins. Some have bunk beds, others are single rooms.

Why are the cabin lights dimmed for takeoff?

Airlines are today required to turn off plane lights during takeoff and landing. The reason this is done is because of the time it takes for our eyes to adjust to the dark. It can take our eyes between 10 to 30 minutes to adjust to darkness. Therefore, airlines today turn off lights during takeoff and landing.

Why do airplanes leave a white smoke trail when they land?

Therefore, white smoke trails left behind by airplanes aren’t filled with toxic chemicals. Rather, they are simply the result of moisture vapor in an airplane’s exhaust gases. Airplanes typically won’t leave behind a white smoke trail when taking off or landing.

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Why do airplanes smoke when they fly?

As the airplane’s engines release exhaust gases, moisture vapor is released as well. The cold temperature and low air pressure at high altitudes forces this moisture to condense, which creates the characteristic white smoke trail for which airplanes have become widely known.

Why is there white smoke coming out of my car exhaust?

This usually begins at some distance behind the engines as when the exhaust is initially expelled, it is quite hot. This is not totally dissimilar to how when you breathe out from your mouth during winter you’ll often see white vapor forming several centimeters outside of your mouth as the moisture in your breath encounters the frigid air around.

What causes smoke to come out of a fighter jet?

Oil mist or smoke flares. You may also see ‘smoke’ coming from the wingtips or other parts of fighter aircraft under high G loads. This is actually water vapor condensation from the extremely low air pressure that is briefly generated by a hard turning fighter, and it disappears quickly.