
What is the Zapatista movement in Mexico?

What is the Zapatista movement in Mexico?

The Zapatista Army of National Liberation (Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, EZLN), often referred to as the Zapatistas (Mexican Spanish pronunciation: [sapaˈtistas]), is a libertarian socialist political and militant group that controls a substantial amount of territory in Chiapas, the southernmost state of …

Who are the Zapatistas quizlet?

Who are the Zapatistas? They are a guerrilla group who support improved rights, better housing, better education, better healthcare, and better jobs for the indigenous people of Mexico.

What was the result of the Zapatista movement?

Zapatista uprising

Date January 1–12, 1994 (1 week and 4 days)
Location Chiapas, Mexico
Result Ceasefire between Mexican Military and EZLN Uprising suppressed by the government Zapatistas granted rights to self-government and autonomy Start of Zapatista autonomous self administering areas.
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When was the EZLN founded?

Zapatista Army of National Liberation/Founded

Which describes the atmosphere in Mexico after its revolution quizlet?

fluctuated wildly. Which describes the atmosphere in Mexico after its revolution? The country experienced years of political instability and violence. caused drug-related violence and drug trafficking to increase.

What challenge did the United States pose to Mexico after the revolution?

What challenge did the United States pose to Mexico after the revolution? It launched military campaigns into Mexico to protect US borders.

What food is Chiapas known for?

The most prominent and popular dish in Chiapas is tamales, found in many varieties. Chiapas’s main herbs of chipilín and hoja santa can be found in many of these. Most varieties are wrapped in banana leaves, but they can also be found wrapped in corn husks and even in the leaves of hoja santa.

What is the purpose of the first Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle?

The first such declaration, issued on 31 December 1993, amounted to a declaration of war on the Mexican government, which they considered so out of touch with the will of the people as to make it completely illegitimate.

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What are the Zapatista women’s revolutionary laws?

After the Zapatista uprising in Chiapas, the EZLN announced the Women’s Revolutionary Law which was a set of ten laws that granted rights to women regarding marriage, children, work, health, education, political and military participation, and protected women from violence.