
What kind of problem can be solved by a computer?

What kind of problem can be solved by a computer?

Answer: Computers can solve problems by performing billions of operations per second. Programming languages allow people to communicate with computers. Computers are literal and do exactly what you tell them to.

What are the different types of solutions for solving problems on computers in Python?

Solutions are considered independent from the machine. Computer science, as it pertains to the problem-solving process itself, is also the study of abstraction . Abstraction allows us to view the problem and solution in such a way as to separate the so-called logical and physical perspectives.

What types of questions help with problem solving?

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Problem-solving interview question examples

  • Question 1: Describe a situation where you had to solve a problem.
  • Question 2: Give an example of a situation in which you saw an opportunity in a potential problem.
  • Question 3: What steps do you take before making a decision on how to solve a problem, and why?

What is problem solving in computer?

Thus, problem solving is the process of identifying a problem, developing an algorithm for the identified problem and finally implementing the algorithm to develop a computer program.

How important computer are in solving problems?

Computers can be used to help solve problems. It allows us to take a complex problem, understand what the problem is and develop possible solutions. These solutions can then be presented in a way that a computer, a human, or both, can understand.

What problems computers Cannot solve?

Eight Problems A Computer Can’t Solve

  • A computer won’t solve broad, poorly defined problems.
  • A computer won’t save money by eliminating workers.
  • A computer won’t clean up the errors in your manual procedures.
  • A computer won’t do forecasting or trend analysis until a few years down the road.

What are the 4 strategies employed by computer scientists to solve problems?

One of the most important skills you learn in your computer science courses is how to problem solve….Four Main Problem Solving Steps:

  • Understand the Problem.
  • Design a Solution.
  • Implement your Solution.
  • Check your Solution.
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What are problem questions?

Problem questions are used to probe for problems, points of dissatisfaction, or general difficulties that the prospect has. Answers to problem questions will direct you toward the core need of the prospect.

How do computers help solve problems?

Computers can solve problems by performing billions of operations per second. They do this by breaking down problems into easy-to-follow steps for a computer. Programming languages allow people to communicate with computers. Computers are literal and do exactly what you tell them to.

Can computers solve math problems?

Computers can be valuable tools for helping mathematicians solve problems but they can also play their own part in the discovery and proof of mathematical theorems. This was first proved by computer in 1976, although flaws were later found, and a corrected proof was not completed until 1995.

What are the most common computer problems and solutions?

Top 10 common computer problems & Solutions. 1 1. Computer won’t turn on. This is probably the no.1 problem faced by many of us. To understand this problem, you can compare it to our human body. 2 2. Slow Internet. 3 3. PC Becoming Slow. 4 4. Windows Update Problem. 5 5. Noisy Hard Drive.

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What is a solution in Computer Science?

In computer science, the solution is expressed in terms of a program: A programis a sequence of instructions that can be executed by a computer to solve some problem or perform a specified task. However, computers do not understand arbitrary instructions written in English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, etc..

Can We ask questions based on computer knowledge in an exam?

Questions based on Computer Knowledge may not just be asked in exams where a separate section has been allotted for this subject but also in the General Awareness section where candidates are expected to have basic computer awareness as well. To learn about the fundamentals of computers, candidates can visit the linked article.

Can quantum computers solve the world’s most important problems?

Quantum computing New paper suggests quantum computers will address problems that could have substantial scientific and economic impact The MoFe protein, left, and the FeMoco, right, would be able to be analyzed by quantum computing to help reveal the complex chemical system behind nitrogen fixation by the enzyme nitorgense.