
What language other than English is most frequently spoken at home in the United States?

What language other than English is most frequently spoken at home in the United States?

English only – 239 million (78.2\%) Spanish – 41 million (13.4\%) Chinese (including Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien and all other varieties) – 3.5 million (1.1\%) Tagalog (including Filipino) – 1.7 million (0.6\%)

What is the best language in the world?

The Top 10 Business Languages of the World in 2018 by GDP (IMF)

Rank Language \% of World GDP
1 English 20.77\%
2 Chinese 19.64\%
3 Spanish 6.04\%
4 Arabic 5.25\%

What language did the US speak before English?

Though English eventually became the dominant language of the United States, Spanish played an important role in the early linguistic landscape of the country, as the Spanish influence spread to nearly every region by the mid-19th century.

Is German still spoken in the US?

Over 50 million Americans claim German ancestry, which makes them the largest single claimed ethnic group in the United States. Around 1.06 million people in the United States speak the German language….German speakers in the United States by states in 2000.

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State German speakers
Michigan 52,366

Is America Germanic?

When it comes to language, the US is definitely Germanic. Nearly all of us speak English. No matter that Spanish is commonly spoken most second generation citizens whose parents spoke Spanish also speak English.

What is the official language of the United States of America?

Actually the United States does not have an official language at the federal level, so it all depends of how many people speak what language. It just happened so that English is by far the most spoken language in the U.S. currently and therefore is the de facto official language.

Why do the United States speak mostly English?

So many wrong answers here. The reason the states speak mostly English is due to The Great War. Pre-WW1, the german influence on America was huge, to the point where if WW1 had not happened, the main language in America could possibly be German now.

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Is Arabic an official language of the United Nations?

In 1974, Arabic was adopted as one of the six United Nations official languages, joining Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Over one billion Muslims in places like India, Indonesia, Pakistan and Tanzania study Arabic as a foreign or second language for liturgical and scholarly use.

Which countries have English as the dominant language in America?

Like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, South Africa, Hong Kong, Singapore and countless other nations which has English as a main dominant language America does aswell. And like all these other nations they were colonised and created by the United Kingdom.