
What life lessons have you learned Quora?

What life lessons have you learned Quora?

You learn nothing from life if you think you know everything.

  • Education is not the key.
  • Money gives you the power to become more selfish than you already are.
  • Whatever you give is what comes back to you multiplied.
  • You can be very rich but not live a rich life.
  • Love and hate are two sides of the same coin.
  • What are some things you learned this year?

    20 Life Lessons We Learnt From 2020:

    • Learn To Love Yourself. 2020 was the year of self-love.
    • The Art Of Sanitising. Sanitizers became and always will be our best friend.
    • Count Your Blessings.
    • Save Money.
    • Don’t Take Anything For Granted.
    • Put Your Mental Health First.
    • Your House Can Be Your Oyster.
    • Meditation Is Powerful.

    What have I learned about myself as a person?

    10 things I’ve learned about myself in the past year and a half

    • I’m not as much of a plan-aheader as I thought I was.
    • I LIKE learning.
    • I’m a gregarious introvert.
    • Working at home is hard work.
    • I am not my job.
    • Massage therapy is amazeballs.
    • “If momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy” is more than just a saying.
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    What is the most important thing you have learned in life Quora?

    We should learn to be humble and empathetic. Learning new things will open new doors for you in life. We should never stop learning and growing. No one truly cares enough about your life.

    What are the biggest and most important things that you have learned in life so far?

    The 5 Most Important Things I’ve Learned About Life (So Far)

    1. Your main focus should be on bettering yourself.
    2. Life is subjective.
    3. Be good to people and build good relationships.
    4. Change is the only constant in life.
    5. Remain open-minded.