
What makes you proud to be a Indian?

What makes you proud to be a Indian?

I am proud to be an Indian because I have the freedom to speak, write and protest against evil doings. We have the right to stand up and fight when we see human cruelty . India is a country where people respect elders. India is an integrated country where people show brotherhood among others.

What makes India a unique nation?

Currently India has 29 states and 7 union territories. Each state & UTs have their own language, clothing, cuisine and look. India is tagged as the mother of so many inventions like algebra, number zero, shampoo, chess, value of pi and diamond mining. All these features made India a Unique Country in the World.

What does being an Indian mean to you?

But an overwhelming proportion of Indians (82-88 per cent) also say that being “truly Indian” means respecting all religions, respecting the army, respecting the country’s institutions and laws, respecting elders, and standing for the national anthem.

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Why should we be proud of being Indian essay?

India is a land having many religions. Every religion is equally respected and people are given full liberty to follow and preach their religion. The freedom that we enjoy in India can never be equalised by any other nation across the world. The joint family culture is very unique and specific in India.

Why is it important to be loyal and proud of your country?

People uniting and staying loyal to their country shows patriotism toward your country because you love it, even though you may not love all the things about it, especially the leadership. People can change corrupt leadership if they pursue it enough.

Why do I love my India?

I love my country because India is a nation with unity in diversity. Peace especially through spirituality is a basic and unique quality of India. People from other nations are getting attracted towards India to achieve peace of mind. India is a land of festivals.

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How would you describe India in one sentence?

India is a beautiful country with unity in diversity. India has rich in heritage and its culture. It is a colourful and vibrant country. India is a land of spiritualism ,with yoga and ayurveda gaining popularity in the other countries.

How to say “I’m proud of you” to someone special?

Use thirty phrases to say “I’m proud of you” to make the special person feel good and empowered. 1. I am in awe of your talent and accomplishments. When someone knows that you are not only proud, but you are inspired and amazed, it will be an even better compliment. Never downplay the way you feel about someone’s abilities and effort.

How do you tell someone you are proud of their accomplishments?

If you find yourself bragging about someone in your life, let them know. They will love to hear that you are talking about their accomplishments to other people. Bragging about someone is the ultimate way to let them know that you are proud of them. 22. You did such a good job, even if it didn’t go the way you wanted it to go.

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How do you tell your boss you are proud of them?

If the person’s accomplishment was work-related, this is an excellent way to tell them that you are proud of them. Saying that their boss is lucky to have them lets them know that you see their worth and value. It also recognizes their hard work and talent. 9.

How do you wish your parents are proud of You?

You make us so proud to have someone so self-driven as our child, and we hope that you never lose your passion for life! We heard about your latest achievement from your parents and we just want to say that we’re so proud of you! You’ve always been the best student in our entire expanded family, and it seems like you always will be!