
What must be true of F x and G x if both are antiderivatives?

What must be true of F x and G x if both are antiderivatives?

So if FX and G of X are both anti derivatives of F of X, what must be true is that they only differ by the constant that is added to the end of the function.

Can a function F have two antiderivatives?

Suppose A(x) and B(x) are two different antiderivatives of f(x) on some interval [a, b]. A(x) = B(x) + c on [a, b]. Thus any two antiderivative of the same function on any interval, can differ only by a constant. The antiderivative is therefore not unique, but is “unique up to a constant”.

Which functions have antiderivatives?

Indeed, all continuous functions have antiderivatives. But noncontinuous functions don’t. Take, for instance, this function defined by cases. but there’s no way to define F(0) to make F differentiable at 0 (since the left derivative at 0 is 0, but the right derivative at 0 is 1).

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Why is it important to add C in the antiderivatives of functions?

In order to include all antiderivatives of f(x) , the constant of integration C is used for indefinite integrals. The importance of C is that it allows us to express the general form of antiderivatives.

What is the integrand?

The function being integrated in either a definite or indefinite integral. Example: x2cos 3x is the integrand in ∫ x2cos 3x dx.

When F and G are two antiderivatives of the same function F on a given interval then FG is?

If F, G are both antiderivatives of f on an interval, then F(x) = G(x) + C, where C is a constant. Proof. Since F = f and G = f, we have F = G . Thus, F − G = 0, and therefore (F − G) = 0 by the difference rule for derivatives.

What is common among the antiderivatives of the function?

An antiderivative of a function f(x) is a function whose derivative is equal to f(x). That is, if F′(x)=f(x), then F(x) is an antiderivative of f(x). x33,x33+1,x33−42,x33+π. x33+c,where c is a constant….Exercise 6.

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Function General antiderivative Comment
xn 1n+1xn+1+c for n,c any real constants with n≠−1

What is C in Antiderivatives?

The notation used to represent all antiderivatives of a function f( x) is the indefinite integral symbol written , where . The function of f( x) is called the integrand, and C is reffered to as the constant of integration.

Why do we need to add one constant term while integrating a function?

Because integrating a function f(x) (indefinite integral) means finding another function F(x) such that F'(x) = f(x). As constants disappear when you differentiate them, you can add any constant to F(x) and it will still satisfy the requirement that it becomes f(x when differentiated.

What is the relationship between the integrand and the integral function?

The function f(x) is called the integrand, the points a and b are called the limits (or bounds) of integration, and the integral is said to be over the interval [a, b], called the interval of integration. A function is said to be integrable if its integral over its domain is finite.