
What percentage of the US workforce is working from home?

What percentage of the US workforce is working from home?

Monthly trend from April 2020 to September 2021 in amount white-collar workers in the U.S. have been working remotely, from home. Most recently, 41\% were working exclusively from home and 26\% partially from home, for a total of 67\% working from home to some degree.

What percentage of remote workers do not act securely according to IT professionals?

In a recent study, OpenVPN reported that 90\% of IT professionals believe remote workers are not secure. At the same time, over 70\% think remote staff poses a greater risk than onsite employees.

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What percentage of tech workers are remote?

In 2016, 57 percent of employees working in computer/information systems spent some of their time working remotely, according to a report on workplace findings by Gallup. Along with changing workplace expectations, there are a variety of components that have led to the rise in remote work in IT and Tech.

Do remote workers get paid less?

Employees who work remotely don’t earn less compensation Overall, Payscale found that employees who telecommute 100 percent of the time (fully remote) earn more compensation than employees who do not work remotely at all. This correlates to the difference in salaries between white-collar and blue-collar workers.

What percentage of surveyed Organisations have been hacked?

A survey released Tuesday indicates 73\% of organizations have suffered data breaches caused by phishing attacks in the past calendar year. The 2021 Insider Data Breach Survey polled 500 IT leaders and 3,000 employees in the U.S. and U.K. across the financial services, health care and legal fields.

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What percentage of surveyed Organisations have been hacked as a result of a remote worker?

Remote workers have caused a security breach in 20\% of organizations. Email phishing attacks were the most common source of data breaches while working from home.

Do remote workers make more?

Do remote employees work harder?

In an analysis of the data collected through March 2021, they find that nearly six out of 10 workers reported being more productive working from home than they expected to be, compared with 14 percent who said they got less done. On average, respondents’ productivity at home was 7 percent higher than they expected.

What percentage of the US workforce will be working remotely by 2021?

Global Workplace Analytics believes that 25-30\% of the workforce will remotely by 2021. Upwork estimates that 1 in 4 Americans over 26\% of the American workforce will be working remotely through 2021. They also estimate that 22\% of the workforce (36.2 Million Americans) will work remotely by 2025.

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What do remote work statistics and trends tell us?

Let’s see what the remote work statistics and trends tell us. Global Workplace Analytics believes that 25-30\% of the workforce will remotely by 2021. Upwork estimates that 1 in 4 Americans over 26\% of the American workforce will be working remotely through 2021.

How many Americans are still working from home?

According to Upwork, 41.8\% of the American workforce continues to work remotely. Although an estimated 26.7\% will still be working from home through 2021, 36.2 million Americans (22\% of the workforce) will be working remotely by 2025. This is a staggering 87\% increase from the number of remote workers prior to the pandemic!

Are remote workers more satisfied with their jobs?

And, remote employees are more likely to report being satisfied with their jobs than office-based workers (57\% vs. 50\%). All in all, those working from home reported more positive measurements on almost every question related to job satisfaction.