
What powers do the Valar have?

What powers do the Valar have?

Like the other Ainur, the powers of the Valar were ambiguously mysterious. The Valar had similar and superior abilities to the Maiar, such as the controlling light and of fire, transforming into many forms, or trancing Men or Elves with their presence.

What was manwe powers?

Elemental manipulation: Manwë is the Vala of the sky and weather, having deep control over it. He can create bolts of lightning (See above), or shapes in the sky, such as when he summoned eagle-shaped clouds. He even created a massive storm around Númenor after their betrayal and corruption.

Who is older manwe or Melkor?

Manwë was (with Melkor) the eldest of the Ainur, and the one that best understood the will of Eru. When Melkor created the discord in the Music of the Ainur, the Second Theme of Eru that rose to counter the discord used Manwë as its chief instrument.

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What is the future of the Ainur?

Little is known of the ultimate future of the Ainur, even by themselves, but it is said that, after the death of the World, they will make a Second Music, even greater, with the race of Men. The Ainur are immortal, angelic beings, nonetheless they do possess gender.

Are the Ainur male or female?

The Ainur are angelic beings, nonetheless they do possess gender. Those who later descended to Arda took on common male and female forms to appear to the Elves in, and have an inherent male or female gender even when formless.

Are the Ainur made of Ilúvatar’s thought?

The Ainur were the “offspring of Ilúvatar ‘s thought”, and each was given understanding only of that part of the mind of Ilúvatar from which they came. The exception to this was Melkor, the greatest of the Ainur, who had a part of the gifts of all the others. Although all Ainur are made of the thought of Ilúvatar, in His mind some were siblings.

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What is the relationship between the Ainur and Arda?

The many lesser Ainur that accompanied the Valar into Arda are known as Maiar. Those Ainur who entered the World at its beginning remain bound to it until its end. Though Melkor was eventually thrown into the Void by the others, he is prophesied to return before the End.