
What problems arise when a country has a one crop economy?

What problems arise when a country has a one crop economy?

Growing only one plant tends to deplete the soil’s nutrients over time, and leaving fields bare for the winter can hasten erosion. Monocrops also provide a friendly home for pests that happen to like that crop, since it shows up reliably, every spring.

What were the effects of food surpluses on society?

Food surpluses affect people and populations because if you have a food surplus, you can have more children. You could also focus on other jobs. What resources were necessary for villages to grow into cities. Heating, glass, iron, people, stores, roads, were all necessary resources for villages to grow.

Why is single crop farming harmful?

Soil Degradation And Fertility Loss Agricultural monoculture upsets the natural balance of soils. Too many of the same plant species in one field area rob the soil of its nutrients, resulting in decreasing varieties of bacteria and microorganisms that are needed to maintain fertility of the soil.

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Why do farmers not rotate their crops?

If you don’t rotate crops, the soil in that field will inevitably begin to lose the nutrients plants need to grow. You can avoid this by sowing crops that increase organic matter and nitrogen in the soil. And yet, even farmers that know the benefits of crop rotation still sometimes don’t do it.

Why might a surplus food supply contribute to the development of cities?

A definite and steady flow of surplus food supply would contribute to the development of cities by increasing the amount of people who take residence and might increase the substantial incline of business.

Why was surplus food necessary for civilizations?

Why are food surpluses necessary for civilization to develop? Without food surpluses everyone has to work at providing food. With food surpluses, some people are free to do other jobs. This makes specialized workers and complex institutions possible.

Why are pesticides sprayed on crops?

Pesticides are used to control various pests and disease carriers, such as mosquitoes, ticks, rats and mice. Pesticides are used in agriculture to control weeds, insect infestation and diseases. Herbicides to kill or inhibit the growth of unwanted plants, also known as weeds. Insecticides to control insects.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of growing crops as a monoculture?

The efficiency of these processes also translates to economic efficiency. Under the efficiency of a monoculture system, farmers can spend less time in their fields and get higher yields. Planting monoculture fields also allows farmers to buy seeds, fertilizers and pesticides in bulk and to sell their crops in bulk.

Why is crop rotation beneficial?

A crop rotation can help to manage your soil and fertility, reduce erosion, improve your soil’s health, and increase nutrients available for crops.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of crop rotation?

What is Crop Rotation?

  • Advantages of Crop Rotation. Increases Soil Fertility. Increases Crop Yield. Increases Soil Nutrients. Reduces Soil Erosion.
  • Disadvantages of Crop Rotation. It Involves Risk. Improper Implementation Can Cause Much More Harm Than Good. Obligatory Crop Diversification. Requires More Knowledge and Skills.

Why might a surplus food supply?

A surplus of food leads to an increase in the population of an area so that large settlements may form. Division of labor allows people to perform work other than raising food.

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How does surplus production lead to civilization?

Having surplus food also allowed more people to be fed, so the population of the world began to grow rapidly. As the population increased, settlements grew into towns. People did not have to spend all of their days producing food.