
What steps can be taken to balance regional development in India?

What steps can be taken to balance regional development in India?

Following steps are to be taken to remove regional disparities:

  • Review of the Problem:
  • Arrangement of Adequate Capital:
  • Special Development Programme:
  • Establishment of Industrial Estates:
  • Arrangement of Integrated Programme:
  • 6. Development of Growing Point:

How can we reduce regional imbalance in India?

Here we detail about the three strategies for removing regional disparities in India.

  1. Resource Transfer and Backwardness: ADVERTISEMENTS:
  2. Special Area Development Programmes:
  3. Incentives for Promoting Investment in Backward Regions:

What is balanced regional development?

1. Equal development of all regions within one country through decentralization of economy and better spatial and functional distribution and social cohesion of all residents.

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What is the planning for regional development in India?

Sectoral planning means formulation and implementation of the sets of schemes or programs aimed at development of various sectors of the economy such as agriculture, irrigation, manufacturing, power, construction, transport, communication, social infrastructure, and services.

What can be done for balanced regional development?

Balanced Regional Development: 7 Main Requirements

  • Overcoming Social Evils:
  • Smooth Development of the Economy:
  • Developing and Conserving Resources:
  • Rapid Development of the Economy:
  • Minimising Backwash Effects:
  • Expansion of Employment Opportunities:

Which is helpful in balanced regional development?

Balanced regional development is advocated mostly for the following three economic considerations: ADVERTISEMENTS: (a) Utilisation of local resources: Over concentration of industrial activity into certain centres leads to wastage of local resources like raw materials, fuels, labour, skills, etc.

What are the measures taken for removal of regional imbalances?

Answer: To remove regional disparities, the plan aimed at the expansion of power, transport, irrigation, education and training facilities and the development of village and small industries. Some backward areas in different States were given special considerations for location of industries.

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What are the regional imbalances in India?

Regional imbalances or disparities means wide differences in per capita income, literacy rates, health and education services, levels of industrialization, etc. between different regions. Balanced regional development has always been an essential component of the Indian development strategy.

What are the two measures for balanced regional development?

The two aims—increase in national income and more balanced development of different parts of the country—are thus related to one another and, step by step, it becomes possible to create conditions in which resources in terms of natural endowment, skill and capital in each region are fully utilised.

What is balanced regional growth How can a budget promote balanced regional growth?

Balanced regional development is an important condition for the harmonious and smooth development of a country. Rather it indicates utilisation of development potential of all areas as per its capacity so that the benefit of overall economic growth is shared by the inhabitants of all the different regions of a country.

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What are regional imbalances?

Regional imbalance is defined as a state of disequilibrium in terms of economic and social criteria existing between two regions over the landscape. It is a condition in which an economy fails to extend benefits equally to all regions in the country or class in society.

How do small industries help for balanced regional development?

Balanced Regional Development : Small industries promote decentralized development and help to remove regional disparities to industrialization. The development of small scale industries leads to industrialization in rural areas.