
What to do after you ran away?

What to do after you ran away?

Staying safe after you’ve run away

  1. Keep in contact with people. Tell a friend or relative you trust where you’re going and what’s happening.
  2. Be careful about offers to help. If you need help or advice, talk to Childline or the Runaway Helpline.
  3. If you’re unsafe, call the police.

What happens if you run away from home at 14?

Minors who run away from home can be detained by police and returned to a legal guardian. In California, there is no legal consequence for a minor running away. There is, however, very little a minor can do if caught by the police to not be returned home.

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How do you keep yourself safe when you run away?

Keep in mind your facilities. If you don’t have access to a stove or microwave, frozen meals aren’t going to help you. Think safety first. When you run away, you are on your own in the world, and the world has the potential to be a dangerous and dark place. You need to have plans and strategies to keep yourself safe.

How do you deal with the urge to run away?

Come up with a plan, or return home, or if you’re really true about running away, try to start a new life. Control any desperation productively. Try to control that emotion instead of letting it push you to do rash things.

What should I do if my friend is about to run away?

It takes courage to tell an adult that your friend is about to run away, but try to do this as soon as possible. Being a real friend doesn’t mean keeping a secret when it can hurt someone. It means doing the best thing possible for your friend. And running away isn’t a solution for either of you.

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What should I think about when running away from home?

Think about your friends who are the lifeblood of your social circle. Running away means leaving them behind. Think of the mentors who look after us and want to see us succeed and safe. Understand that in many cases, running away from home is illegal.