
What to do if you hurt an INFJ?

What to do if you hurt an INFJ?

INFJs care so much about making others happy, and so when they get their feelings hurt they don’t want to make it a big deal. They might want to appear strong, and pretend as if they are not sensitive to the things people say. It is important for the INFJ to be honest with others, as well as with themselves.

How does an INFJ respond to being ignored?

INFJs actually do become very upset if their loved ones ignore them for a long time. The INFJ will likely start to feel bad about themselves, and might even take on the blame. After a while though, they will likely feel the need to separate from this person if they continue to ignore and neglect them.

How do you say sorry to Infj?

Very few people apologize to INFJs….Just be honest and direct by stating “I am truly sorry for” :

  1. What you think or feel you did or said.
  2. Why you did or said it ( if you are aware ).
  3. How you think or feel it hurt their feelings.
  4. That you promise not to do or say it again.
  5. How you plan to make ammends ( if necessary )
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How do you forgive an Infj?

They will usually forgive someone over and over again, until they cannot take it any longer. Once an INFJ has reached this point, they have a hard time letting go of their grudge. They will struggle to forgive someone who has walked all over them for a long time, but they will also struggle to forgive themselves.

How do you upset an INFJ?

The Top 5 Ways To Annoy An INFJ

  1. Dismissing our feelings and opinions.
  2. Making false assumptions about us.
  3. Picking on someone who is defenceless.
  4. Not allowing us time to think.
  5. Trying to manipulate us.
  6. How to react in these annoying situations.
  7. Over to you, friend.

Can the INFJ door slam be undone?

The fall-out. Most people often don’t see INFJ door slam signs until it’s too late. The fall-out happens when the INFJ moves on and there’s little to no chance of rebuilding the relationship. Even though door slams are hard to undo, here are some delicate steps you can follow if you want to get a second chance again.

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How does it feel to be door slammed by an INFJ?

When an INFJ decides to slam the door on a relationship, their emotional state changes dramatically. They go from being sad, hurt, and disheartened, to being level-headed, rational, and even cold. This can be slightly disconcerting to people who are used to seeing their INFJ as warm and gentle.

How do you apologize to someone who hurt you years ago?

Open up a line of communication with the other person. A sincere apology can also bring relief, particularly if you have guilt over your actions. An apology alone doesn’t erase the hurt or make it OK; it does establish that you know your actions or words were wrong and that you will strive harder in the future to prevent it from happening again.

Should you apologize to someone you don’t forgive?

Although apologizing can be a way to maintain the integrity and move on from actions we’re not proud of, most of us also want to repair the relationship and be forgiven. Sometimes this doesn’t happen.

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Why is it important to apologize for your actions?

A sincere apology can also bring relief, particularly if you have guilt over your actions. An apology alone doesn’t erase the hurt or make it ok; it does establish that you know your actions or words were wrong and that you will strive harder in the future to prevent it from happening again.

How do you apologize without groveling in an email?

That said, it’s also important to avoid groveling. Don’t let your email become dramatic. Phrasing like, “I’m so, so sorry for this. Please accept my apology, from the bottom of my heart. I beg for your forgiveness, even though I don’t deserve it” just isn’t necessary.