
What was special about the first Macintosh?

What was special about the first Macintosh?

The original Macintosh is the first successful mass-market all-in-one desktop personal computer to have featured a graphical user interface, built-in screen, and mouse.

What was different about the Macintosh?

Launched in January 1984, the Macintosh was apparently an “under-sized” version of the Lisa with much less (and not protected) memory (128KB vs 1MB), a lower graphic resolution (170,104 pixels vs 259,200 pixels), a smaller monitor (9” vs 12”), and no possibility to connect an hard disk, even as an option; two notable …

What made the Macintosh personal computer introduced in 1984 different from other computers available at the time?

The first Macintosh was introduced on January 24, 1984, by Steve Jobs and it was the first commercially successful personal computer to feature two known, but still unpopular features—the mouse and the graphical user interface, rather than the command-line interface of its predecessors.

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Why was the Macintosh so important?

The Macintosh changed everything. It was a computer with a price tag that was within reach for many, and more importantly, it was a computer that almost anyone could operate without going to school to become an expert.

What was the Macintosh used for?

personal computer
The Macintosh (often called “the Mac”) was the first widely-sold personal computer with a graphical user interface (GUI) and a mouse. Apple Computer introduced the Macintosh in an ad during Super Bowl XVIII, on January 22, 1984, and offered it for sale two days later.

Was the Macintosh 128K programmable?

The Macintosh used the Motorola 68000. The 68000’s bus was wired directly to the other programmable components of the computer: the IWM floppy controller, the Zilog 8530 SCC, and the MOS Technology 6522. Precise timing information was relayed to the 68000 by interrupts.

What was the main characteristic of the Macintosh?

It gave users four times as much memory, and allowed them to keep several major programs open simultaneously. The vertical processor case and 9″ monochrome screen were distinguishing features of all the early Macintosh line. The Macintosh 512 KB contained a Motorola 68000 microprocessor which ran at 8 MHz.

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How did the Macintosh change society?