
What was the form of government suggested by the Cabinet Mission Plan 1946 for India?

What was the form of government suggested by the Cabinet Mission Plan 1946 for India?

The Viceroy of India Lord Wavell participated in some of the discussion. The Cabinet Mission Plan, formulated by the group, proposed a three-tier administrative structure for British India, with the Federal Union at the top tier, individual provinces at the bottom tier, and Groups of provinces as a middle tier.

Who was the interim president of the Constituent Assembly of India in 1946?

Constituent Assembly of India
Succeeded by Parliament of India
Temporary Chairman Sachchidananda Sinha
President Rajendra Prasad, INC
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Who established the Interim Government *?

Hint:The Interim Government of India, also known as the provisional Government, was formed on September 2, 1946 by the newly elected Constituent Assembly of India, and had the task of assisting the transition to the independence of British India.

Who among the following was not a part of Interim Government of 1946?

Detailed Solution. The correct answer is Lord Wavell. Lord Wavell was the 23rd Viceroy of India from 1 October 1943 to 21 February 1947.

What is the importance of 1946 in the Indian history?

Events. 10 May – Nehru elected leader of the Congress Party. 19 August – Violence between Muslims and Hindus in Calcutta leaves 3000 dead. 4 September – Street violence between Muslims and Hindus in Bombay.

What were the proposals of the Cabinet Mission Plan 1946?

The cabinet mission plan of 1946 proposed that there shall be a Union of India which was to be empowered to deal with the defense, foreign affairs and communications. It provided that all the members of the Interim cabinet would be Indians and there would be minimum interference by the Viceroy.

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Why Interim Government was formed?

The Interim Government of India, also known as the Provisional Government of India, formed on 2 September 1946 from the newly elected Constituent Assembly of India, had the task of assisting the transition of British India to independence.

What is the meaning of interim president?

An interim official or leader is a person who is filling official role temporarily. This can be in between two other people, or when the normal person is temporarily unable to do it and somebody else must fill in temporarily or without following the ordinary protocol.

What is meant by Interim Government?

temporary and intended to be used or accepted until something permanent exists: an interim solution. An interim government was set up for the period before the country’s first free election.

Was the head of the Interim Government?

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was the head of the Interim Government.

Why interim government was formed?

Who formed the interim Government of India in 1946?

On this day in 1946, the interim government of India led by Jawaharlal Nehru was formed. It was the only such cabinet in India’s history in which arch-rivals Congress and the Muslim League shared power at the Centre.

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Who was the Prime Minister of India in 1946?

The Cabinet Mission of 1946 was sent by the British Government from London to help form the interim government. The Interim Government was in force till 15 August 1947 when a new government was formed. Nehru became the Prime Minister of India.

What was the interim government?

The interim government functioned with a great degree of autonomy, and remained in power until the end of British rule, after which it was succeeded by the Dominions of India and Pakistan. Starting with the Cripps mission in 1942, a number of attempts were made by colonial authorities to form an interim government in India.

When did India gain independence from British rule?

The Interim Government was in place till 15th August 1947, when the nations of Indian and Pakistan received Independence from colonial rule. As the World War II ended, all political prisoners in India who had taken part in the Quit India Movement were released by the British.