
What were the benefits to the people of Africa during colonization?

What were the benefits to the people of Africa during colonization?

Africa would most likely still be behind the rest of the world without colonialism though. Some positives historians have pointed out are medicine, education, improved infrastructure, Christianity, and boundaries. The growth of the African population was aided by the Western medicine introduced by Europeans.

What were three benefits and three problems of colonial rule?

Three benefits of colonial rule and three problems of colonial rule were social, political, and economic. On the bright side, European governments reduced local conflicts, Europeans brought Africa deeper into the world economy, and railroads, dams, and telephone and telegraph lines were built.

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What are the problems caused by colonial rule?

Colonialism’s impacts include environmental degradation, the spread of disease, economic instability, ethnic rivalries, and human rights violations—issues that can long outlast one group’s colonial rule.

What was the benefit of having colonies?

If colonies could send raw materials, such as lumber, from the abundance of natural resources available in the colonies, then England would not have to buy these from other countries. At the same time, the colonists could be a market for England’s manufactured goods.

How does colonialism affect development?

Colonialism hindered a developing country’s level of development. A colony helped supply food and minerals to countries like Britain and France. Borders of some colonial countries were set without attention to tribal and cultural differences, causing tensions and instability.

What are positive effects of colonization?

Where colonizers established medical centers, they succeeded in lowering infant mortality and promoted vaccination and disease prevention. While the colonizers did bring positive improvements and advancements, the inhabitants often lacked immunity to the pathogens the colonizers also brought from their home countries.

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What were the positive effects of colonial rule?

Another positive effect is seen in document three called “Colonial Governments and Missionaries. ” It shows how the colonial governments introduced improved medical care, and better methods of sanitation. There were new crops; tools and farming methods, which helped, increase food production.

What was the impact of colonial rule on African societies?

In fact, of course, the very existence of colonial rule meant that the fabric of African societies was exposed to alien forces of change of an intensity and on a scale unparalleled in the previous history of western Africa.

How did World War 2 affect the fight against colonialism in Africa?

To understand what effects WW2 had on the nature of the fight against colonialism and imperialism in Africa we need to look at the climate just before WW2. After 1900, Europe began to introduce changes to colonial rule in an effort to increase revenues from the colonies.

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Why did West African rulers naturally reject protectorate treaties?

Because protectorate treaties posed serious challenges to West African independence most West African rulers naturally rejected them. West African rulers adopted numerous strategies to forestall European occupation including: recourse to diplomacy, alliance, and when all else failed, military confrontation.

How did African countries fight colonialism and apartheid?

Aside from exposing the iniquities of colonialism, racial discrimination and apartheid on the global stage, African States rallied global support in the United Nations, the Commonwealth and the Non Aligned Movement to defeat the scourge of colonial domination, racism and oppression.