
When a ferromagnetic material is placed in an external magnetic field the size of magnetic domain?

When a ferromagnetic material is placed in an external magnetic field the size of magnetic domain?

In the absence of magnetic field, these domains have magnetic moment in different directions. But when the magnetic field is applied, domains aligned in the direction of the field grow in size and those aligned in the direction opposite to the field reduce in size.

What happens when a ferromagnetic material is placed in an external weak magnetic field?

Atoms of ferromagnetic material in unmagnetized state form domains inside the ferromagnetic material. These domains have large magnetic moment of atoms. In the absence of magnetic field, these domains have magnetic moment in different directions.

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When ferromagnetic substance placed in magnetic field what happens?

FERROMAGNETIC SUBSTANCES: Ferromagnetic substances are defined as the substances which are strongly attracted by the external magnetic field. These substances contain magnetic properties even if the external magnetic field is removed. Iron and Nickel are the two common examples of ferromagnetic substances.

When a ferromagnetic material is exposed to a magnetic field?

When a piece of unmagnetized iron (or other ferromagnetic material) is exposed to an external magnetic field, two things happen. First, the direction of magnetization (the way the spins point) of each domain will tend to shift towards the direction of the field.

What happens when a paramagnetic substance is placed in an external magnetic field?

EXPLANATION: When a paramagnetic substance is placed in a strong magnetising field, the magnetic field lines prefer to pass through the specimen rather than through air. Thus magnetic induction inside the sample is more than the magnetic induction outside the sample.

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How are ferromagnetic materials magnetised?

However, the material can be magnetized (made into a magnet) by placing it in a magnetic field. When this happens, all the magnetic domains line up, and the material becomes a magnet. Materials that can be magnetized are called ferromagnetic materials. They include iron, cobalt, and nickel.

How do ferromagnetic materials become magnetic?

Generally, the magnetic domains point in different directions, so the material is still not magnetic. However, the material can be magnetized (made into a magnet) by placing it in a magnetic field. When this happens, all the magnetic domains line up, and the material becomes a magnet.

What causes magnetic hysteresis in ferromagnetic materials?

The phenomenon of hysteresis in ferromagnetic materials is the result of two effects: rotation of magnetization and changes in size or number of magnetic domains. In general, the magnetization varies (in direction but not magnitude) across a magnet, but in sufficiently small magnets, it doesn’t.

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When a bar is placed near a strong magnetic field and it is repelled then the material of bar is?

Diamagnetic substances
Diamagnetic substances: Diamagnetic substances are those which develop feeble magnetization in the opposite direction of the magnetizing field. Such substances are feebly repelled by magnets and tend to move from stronger to weaker parts of a magnetic field.

What is ferromagnetic domain?

Ferromagnetic domains are small regions in ferromagnetic materials within which all the magnetic dipoles are aligned parallel to each other.

When a rod of ferromagnetic material is placed in a steady magnetic field parallel to its length the rod undergoes?

Magnetostriction Effect
Magnetostriction Effect:- The phenomenon in which a rod of Ferro-magnetic material undergoes a small change in length when placed in a steady magnetic field parallel to its length is called magnetostriction effect.