
Where can I find Law Notes?

Where can I find Law Notes?

Some are given below.

  • Writing Law. Writing law is a very best platform to get law notes for free.
  • Legal Bites. Legal Bites is a very fastest growing website in India which provides free law notes and legal articles and many more for law students.
  • Studynama.
  • MSR Law Books.
  • Law Epic.
  • StuDocu.

Is LLB a degree?

› Law ›LL. B. Legum Baccalaureus or LLB is a three-year Bachelor of Law degree that is offered to aspirants by many renowned colleges in India. Candidates are awarded the degree only when they complete all the semesters of this three-year LLB course.

What is Public International Law Notes?

international law, also called public international law or law of nations, the body of legal rules, norms, and standards that apply between sovereign states and other entities that are legally recognized as international actors. The term was coined by the English philosopher Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832).

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What is Administrative Law Notes?

Administrative law is the law that governs the administrative actions. It includes law relating to the rule-making power of the administrative bodies, the quasi-judicial function of administrative agencies, legal liabilities of public authorities and power of the ordinary courts to supervise administrative authorities.

Who is the father of law?

Answers. Hugo Grotius is the father of international law.

What is speaking order of court?

Speaking order means an order which is full of reasons or a reasoned order. An order has to be a reasoned or a speaking order. The failure to give reasons could lead to a very justifiable complaint that there was a breach of natural justice.

Where can I find law notes (LLB)?

Originally Answered: Where can I find law notes (LLB)? Digestible Notes is probably the single best place to study law on the internet. It has a comprehensive set of general notes and case notes, to guide you through a legal degree.

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Where can I find LLB study resources on studynama?

You can easily follow the links below and access all the study resources on the LLB Forum on Studynama online Community. List of LLB Second Year subjects for which free LLB lecture notes are available on Studynama:

Do you have notes and ebooks of LLB second year subjects?

So, to enrich you in your LLB second year studies, we requested some LLB seniors to share their notes and college eBooks. As a result, we have a collection of study material notes and eBooks of LLB second year subjects.

Where can I get Free Law notes in India?

There is many website which provides law notes for free you can check out writinglaw .com for law notes to read in simple manner . easy to use and easy to download, they have paid notes also under Rs.500 this is less then your one Domino’s pizza price , you can buy these notes from writinglaw .com