
Which country has a population China or India?

Which country has a population China or India?

In 2021, China remains the country with the largest population in the world, with more than 1.4 billion people. India has the second largest population in the world, with just under 1.4 billion inhabitants.

Which country has high population growth rate China or India?

India vs China by population China and India together account for about 36\% of total world population and 67\% of Asia population. As of 2020, population of China is 59 million more than India. Due to higher population growth rate of India, margin between these two country is coming down quickly.

Is India’s population higher than China?

In 2019, India had an estimated population of 1.37 billion and China 1.43 billion, according to the UN figures. Lu Jiehua, professor of sociology at Peking University, said China’s population may peak by 2027 before it starts to decline. Some demographers believe the peak may come as soon as 2022.

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Which country has the most overpopulation?

Singapore is the world’s most overpopulated state, followed by Israel and Kuwait, according to a new league table ranking countries by their degree of overpopulation. The UK is 17thin the table.

Is India overpopulated?

There is certainly overpopulation in India, but with awareness of the issue and sustained efforts to combat it, both poverty and population can be brought under control.

Which country has most Indian population?

Demography by host country

Continent / country Articles Overseas Indian population
Asia 18,500,000+
Saudi Arabia Indians in Saudi Arabia 4,124,000
Nepal Nepalese people of Indian ancestry 4,010,000
United Arab Emirates Indians in the United Arab Emirates 3,860,000

Why is overpopulation a problem in India?

The two main common causes leading to over population in India are: The birth rate is still higher than the death rate. We have been successful in declining the death rates but the same cannot be said for birth rates.

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Why Overpopulation is a problem in India?

Resource utilisation: Land areas, water resources, forests are over exploited. There is also a scarcity of resources. Decreased production and increased costs: Food production and distribution have not been able to catch up with the increasing population and hence the costs of production have increased.

Is India set to overtake China as the world’s most populous country?

(CNN) India is set to overtake China as the world’s most populous country in less than a decade, according to a new United Nations report. China and India currently account for about 37\% of the entire global population of roughly 7.7 billion, with China currently home to about 1.4 billion people and India to 1.3 billion.

Overpopulation in India. Overpopulation refers to an undesirable condition where human population exceeds the available natural resources to feed and sustain it. Today, the world is inhabited by over 7 billion people, with China topping the list as the most populated country, followed by India.

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Will India’s population surpass China by 2024?

India is set to surpass China as the world’s most populous nation by as early as 2024. In a country where 50 million people live on less than $2 a day, and 194.4 million people are undernourished the growing population will only make food security situation worse.

How many people live in China and India?

China and India currently account for about 37\% of the entire global population of roughly 7.7 billion, with China currently home to about 1.4 billion people and India to 1.3 billion.