
Who came up with the word xenophobia?

Who came up with the word xenophobia?

Xenophobia was formed from a brace of words found in ancient Greek, xenos (which can mean either “stranger” or “guest”) and phobos (which can mean either “flight” or “fear”).

What is the true meaning of xenophobia?

Definition of xenophobia : fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign.

When was xenophobia added to the dictionary?

The word xenophobia is actually relatively new, and only entered English in the late 1800s. It finds its roots in two Greek words, xénos meaning “stranger, guest,” and phóbos meaning “fear, panic.”

Is xenophobia a Greek word?

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It’s a combination of two Greek words, xénos, which means “stranger or guest,” and phóbos, which means “fear or panic.” Xenophobia is not the only disturbing “word of the year” selected in 2016.

What are the causes of xenophobia?

The most obvious motives advanced for the socio-economic causes of Xenophobia are unemployment, poverty and inadequate or lack of service delivery which are mostly politically attributed. Unemployment constitutes a social problem pertaining to a situation of not having a job.

What are the causes of Xenophobia?

What part of speech is the word Xenophobia?


part of speech: noun
definition: excessive or unreasoning fear or hatred of foreign people or things.
related words: prejudice
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
derivations: xenophobic (adj.), xenophobically (adv.)

How did Athens treat non-citizens?

We Athenians have high regard for our non-citizens. We entrust our women with a great deal of responsibility. Married women are responsible for managing their households. That includes acquiring and training household servants, preparing meals, and sometimes nursing sick slaves.

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How were metics treated in Athens?

In Athens, where they were most numerous, they occupied an intermediate position between visiting foreigners and citizens, having both privileges and duties. They were a recognized part of the community and specially protected by law, although subject to restrictions on marriage and property ownership.

What is the etymology of the word xenophobia?

It’s a combination of two Greek words, xénos, which means “stranger or guest,” and phóbos, which means “fear or panic.”

What recommendations and conclusions can you make on xenophobia to government?

The major recommendation and also conclusion towards the community and government on xenophobia is simply getting familiar with a particular culture instead of shunning it. Everyone must analyze these things in certain ways which are as easy as daily conversations regarding the location issues, weather and much more.