
Who coined the phrase Rainbow Bridge?

Who coined the phrase Rainbow Bridge?

Paul C. Dahm
Although it is usually attributed to an unknown author, at least three men claim to have written it — one, Paul C. Dahm, even holds a copyright for a variation.

Where in the Bible does it talk about the Rainbow Bridge?

Remember Noah and the worldwide flood? God created the rainbow as a sign of the covenant He made with man not to destroy the earth again by a flood. It’s interesting that Scripture says that God made that covenant not only with Noah and his descendants but with the animals also. Read Genesis 9:8-17 for all the details.

Do humans cross the Rainbow Bridge?

Together, humans and animals cross over the rainbow bridge into Heaven where they will never have to part again. The idea of crossing the rainbow bridge helps to give comfort and peace of mind to those who are grieving their much-loved pets. The rainbow bridge is an idea, not a religion or a fact.

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What do you say when a dog passes away?

What to Say When Someone’s Pet Dies. The most important thing you can do when someone is grieving the loss of their pet is to just be there for your friend. To start, Bergeland says you can offer up a “What can I do to help you?” or a ” I am so very sorry for your loss; I am here if you need me.”

What is the poem the Rainbow Bridge?

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.

Why do they say dogs go over the Rainbow Bridge?

The term is believed to have originated in several works of poetry from the 1980s and 1990s that were meant to help relieve deceased pet owners of the pain of their loss. There, the pet waits until its human companion dies and is reunited with them in the meadow. Together, they cross the Rainbow Bridge to heaven.

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Why is Rainbow Bridge called Rainbow Bridge?

The rise of pet forums and pet groups, especially public Facebook pet owner groups, helped Rainbow Bridge reach the mainstream term that it is today. The reason the term because so popular is because most pet owners view their pet as more than just “a cat” or “a dog”.

What does it mean when a dog dies Rainbow Bridge?

Over the course of several years, the term Rainbow Bridge has become synonymous with animal lovers who have lost a pet. You may hear a grief-stricken owner say their deceased pet has “crossed the Rainbow Bridge” or say “I’ll meet you at the Rainbow Bridge” in reference to the pet.

Why is the Rainbow Bridge a death euphemism?

But the Rainbow Bridge is unique as a death euphemism because it relates to pets and pet owners, specifically. According to Rainbow Bridge lore, “Rainbow Bridge” is the name of a mythical meadow, as well as a bridge to the other side. Here’s how it works. When a pet dies, they go straight to the land of Rainbow Bridge.

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What is the first poem in the Rainbow Bridge?

He wrote the first Rainbow Bridge poem in prose style as seen below: “Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.