
Why a gluten-free diet is bad for you?

Why a gluten-free diet is bad for you?

Lack of essential vitamins and nutrients Similar to the effects of lack of fiber, going gluten free without a legitimate cause can result in vitamin and nutrient deficiencies. In the US, many grains are fortified or enriched to contain large, added amounts of nutrients.

Do doctors believe in gluten intolerance?

Some physicians still do not believe celiac disease and/or gluten sensitivity are real. This occurs more frequently with gluten sensitivity but occasionally still happens with celiac disease.

Is gluten-free diet healthy for everyone?

There is little scientific evidence that a gluten-free diet has health benefits for anyone without celiac disease or a nonceliac gluten sensitivity.

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Why is everyone suddenly allergic to gluten?

Some doctors and scientists believe there’s been an increase in gluten-sensitivity due to environmental and food changes, with theories including: New wheat varieties have a higher gluten content. Farmers are using wheat with higher gluten varieties because of their natural insecticide qualities.

Should you go on a gluten-free diet if your doctor did not recommend it?

Although he finds this new study inconclusive, Dave agreed with the researchers: “We should not recommend people who don’t have gluten sensitivity or celiac disease go on a gluten-free diet,” he said.

Is a gluten-free diet bad for You?

There is at least some truth to the idea that gluten can be harmful. As mentioned, people with celiac disease avoid sickness and maintain much better health if they follow a gluten-free diet. For them, a gluten-free diet is nothing short of essential.

Should celiacs follow a gluten-free diet?

The more than 300,000-plus people in this country with celiac disease have to follow a gluten-free diet, because the tiniest taste of gluten will trigger debilitating gastrointestinal discomfort. It’s time consuming, expensive, and restrictive.

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Should I see a doctor before going gluten free?

If you think you might have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, it’s best to see a doctor before you go gluten free. Once a person has avoided gluten for a while, it becomes difficult to establish if he or she has celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, or neither. There’s one more thing you might consider doing: keep your dietary choice to yourself.

Should you go gluten-free to improve your health?

According to a survey by the Consumer Reports National Research Center a full 63\% of Americans believe that a gluten-free diet could improve their mental or physical health. And up to a third of Americans are cutting back on it in the hope that it will improve their health or prevent disease.