
Why did no other Jedi help Luke?

Why did no other Jedi help Luke?

Because they wanted Rey to do something super crazy powerful, but not want the fan base to be filled with mary sue fever. So having all the jedi lend a little help was what they went with.

Why did Obi Wan say Luke was the last hope?

To make his argument more powerful that Luke was their only hope. Also, at that point, he really was. Yoda didn’t have long enough to live to train Leia if he trained Luke. Therefore, Luke was their last hope.

What did Yoda tell Luke in the last Jedi?

All of a sudden, Master Jedi Yoda appears as a Force Ghost and causes the tree to light aflame. He tells Luke that it’s time for him to look past the text of the Jedi Order. Yoda tells Luke that failure is the greatest teacher, and the two sit and watch the tree burn down.

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Did Yoda think Luke was the chosen one?

Turns Out Yoda Didn’t Believe Luke Skywalker Was the ‘Chosen One’ As reported by on Thursday, Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View, the upcoming book from Lucasfilm that tells 40 previously unknown Star Wars stories, reveals that Yoda thought Leia (not Luke) was the Chosen One.

How many padawans did Luke have?

Luke was directly involved in the training of around 25 known apprentices, though the actual number surely was higher.

What does Yoda call Luke?

1 Answer. , Self Employed. Just by the movie scenes shown, he really didn’t speak a name. He did mention that Luke was foolish and troublesome. He never even called him Padawan.

What does Yoda say as he is dying?

But Yoda is ready to pass away due to old age, so he lies down on his bed. Yoda’s dying words are to Luke, saying, “Luke, there is another Sky- Skywalker…” Yoda is referring to Leia Organa, Luke’s twin sister, who may also bring hope to the galaxy if Luke should fail.

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Who is the other hope besides Luke?

When Obi-Wan tells Yoda that Luke is their “last hope,” Yoda says, “No. There is another.” While the events of Return of the Jedi suggest this “other” person was Leia, it’s also possible Yoda was referring to Rey.

What does Yoda mean when he says there is another hope?

To whom was Yoda referring when he said, “There is another?” In the original trilogy Yoda refers to another hope: Obi-Wan: “That boy is our last hope.” Yoda: “No…there is another…” The assumption being after seeing Return of the Jedi (Episode VI) that the other was Leia.

Could Leia become a Jedi if Luke failed?

Luke was the only hope because if he failed, there was now NO one left to train Leia in the ways of the force. Yes, she would have the same potential, but it would be wasted because now that both Obi-Wan and Yoda were physically gone, there was no way that Leia could be trained as a Jedi.

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Does Yoda think Obi-Wan knows about Leia?

“Obi Wan knows about Leia… so Yoda must be referring to someone or something else” — not necessarily. Obi-Wan might have decided that Leia doesn’t count as “a hope”, but Yoda might not agree with him. If we saw the rest of the conversation, it could have gone “OBI-WAN: You don’t mean Leia, surely.

What color light does Yoda get bathed in at the end?

When the line “that boy is our last hope” is said, Yoda gets bathed in a greenish blue light, representing Luke. However, when Yoda says, “no, there is another,” he gets bathed in a red light, representing Darth Vader.