
Why did people hate the Incredible Hulk?

Why did people hate the Incredible Hulk?

Most people don’t care about the “numbers” behind the feats. Just how badass and obviously powerful it looks. Hulk had big feats (in Endgame) and so was still strong but didn’t have enough badass scenes as he did in Avengers 1 and 2 and a few in Ragnarok that made him “look” super strong.

Why was the Incredible Hulk a flop?

‘The Incredible Hulk’ was considered a failure The lukewarm response at the box office was poorly timed. Although there have been other MCU movies that didn’t do well, this one happened to come along at the beginning of the franchise. Marvel Studios simply couldn’t afford to have viewers lose interest in the project.

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What disease did the Incredible Hulk have?

Hulk’s file reveals that he exhibits classic symptoms of Intermittent Explosive Disorder with underlying Anti Social Personality Traits. Request investigation to rule out possible Exhibitionistic Sexual Paraphilia Disorder.

Where does Hulk go after Ultron?

The last we see of Hulk in Age of Ultron is him flying away in the quinjet. He manages to not crash and flies it into space. Sometime during his space voyage he gets trapped by a wormhole, which takes him to Sakaar.

What mental illness does Bruce Banner have?

Bipolar Disorder (extreme mood swings, even without the Hulk, and the fact that he was constantly holed up in his lab before Hulk, which could represent manic episodes)

Why is Natasha so scared of the Hulk?

Romanov was afraid of Banner when she first went to recruit him based solely on his reputation of being uncontrollable. The last anyone saw him, he nearly destroyed Upper Manhattan taking down Abomination. After that, she was afraid of Hulk because he tried to kill her on the Helicarrier during the Avengers 1 events.

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Is it necessary to watch the Incredible Hulk?

All in all, You do not need to watch one, but if you’re going to, it should be 2008’s The Incredible Hulk which is a canon part of the MCU. As many other people have said, yes, The Incredible Hulk (2008) is part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.