
Why did they kill Missandei?

Why did they kill Missandei?

When Missandei dies, beheaded by the Mountain on Cersei’s orders, it’s in the hopes of provoking Daenerys into rash, violent action. She believes in Dany’s mission of freeing slaves, but is often the voice of reason when it comes to escalating violence. We know that she loved Grey Worm and that he loved her.

Why was Missandei captured?

And you can bet Daenerys is certainly going to take it to heart. To recap, heartbreakingly, in Game of Thrones episode four, Dany, her dragons, and her army were ambushed on their way to Dragonstone by Euron Greyjoy. As a result, her dragon Rhaegal was killed and Missandei was captured.

Is Missandei Daenerys best friend?

Missandei was hailed as the BFF of the Mother of Dragons in Game of Thrones. But there’s reason to believe she and Dany weren’t actually real friends. There are some pretty powerful relationships in Game of Thrones.

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How did cersei capture Missandei?

Suddenly Euron’s fleet appears from around a corner and they attack, killing Rhaegal and destroying many of Dany’s ships. In the ensuing chaos, Missandei is captured and brought to King’s Landing as bait.

What happened Grey Worm?

Grey Worm Died in the ‘Game Of Thrones’ Finale and Fans Didn’t Notice. But after half-heartedly accepting Jon Snow’s banishment to the Night’s Watch after Jon killed Daenerys, Grey Worm set off to protect the Isle of Naath, Missandei’s homeland.

What did Grey Worm do to Missandei?

When Missandei comes to his bedside, Grey Worm explains how he failed Ser Barristan by letting him die, and by failing Daenerys. But then he said he feared he would die, because he would never see Missandei again. Grey Worm’s words touch Missandei, and they kiss for the first time.

Where did drogon take Daenerys?

He is of course referring to the heart-breaking nuzzle from Drogon after understanding that Daenerys was unresponsive. Instead, they confirmed, Drogon took her to Volantis – the homeland of the Targaryens and the dragons they commanded.

How did they kidnap Missandei?

The first was the death of one of Daenerys’s two remaining dragons, Rhaegal, thanks to well-placed arrows fired by Euron Greyjoy as Dany’s entourage sailed toward King’s Landing. During Euron’s ambush on Dany’s fleet, her best friend and longtime servant Missandei is captured.

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Is jorah in love with Daenerys?

9 Jorah Is In Love With Her Jorah and Daenerys are friends only because Dany will not allow it to go any further. His feelings for her are no secret, as Tyrion pointed out during his first meeting with Dany in Season 5. Jorah tells Daenerys that he is in love with her in Season 6 after he contracts greyscale.

Who is Daenerys right hand man?

Ser Jorah Mormont
Ser Jorah Mormont is an exiled knight in the service of Daenerys Targaryen and the son of Jeor Mormont of the Night’s Watch.

Why did Missandei say Dracarys?

Originally Answered: Why did Missandei said ‘Dracrys’ while dying in GOT s8e4? To send a signal to Daenerys Targaryen. She was with Queen from a long time. She sent a signal to queen with the words of Dragon – “DRACARYS ” – To kill them all (with Dragon), to become Mad Queen like her father.

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What happens to Daenerys after Missandei’s death?

Missandei’s death is a tipping point; Daenerys will no longer accept a mere surrender from Cersei, and Grey Worm will likely stop at nothing for revenge.

What did Missandei say in the last episode of Game of Thrones?

Game of Thrones season 8, episode 4, “The Last of the Starks,” concluded with a tense standoff between Queen Cersei and Queen Daenerys, ending in the horrifying execution of Daenerys’ loyal advisor Missandei. Given an opportunity to say any last words, Missandei had only one word to say: ” Dracarys ” – a High Valyrian word meaning “dragonfire.”

What does Missandei’s death mean?

Missandei’s death serves no real purpose to further the plot — the big players involved (Daenerys and Cersei) were always going to have a violent clash no matter who gets caught in the middle. It’s made to look as if Missandei’s death pushes Daenerys’s to attack King’s Landing, but she’s been contemplating that plan all along.

What happens to Missandei After Cersei gives the order to kill her?

Tyrion attempts to reason with his sister, but it soon becomes clear that nothing will stop Cersei’s reign of terror when she gives the order to have Missandei beheaded.