
Why do AA Bullets explode in the air?

Why do AA Bullets explode in the air?

Anti-aircraft and other artillery rounds typically consist of an outer shell packed with a large amount of high explosives. A split-second later, this sets off the main explosives in the shell and causes it to explode in a cloud of shrapnel.

How did anti aircraft shells work?

Flak, or Fliegerabwehrkanone, works by arming artillery class cannons for the use of Anti-Air duties. Flak as we know it ( the exploding ordinance variety ) works by using fuses. One may use a timed fuse in the shell. After so many seconds, the shell would detonate like a times bomb.

Why do anti aircraft rounds explode?

Anti aircraft artillery projectiles use a (mechanical or electronic) time or proximity (or combination of both) fuse. Thus the projectile explodes at the expiration of a specific preset time, or when in proximity to a target which reflects it’s emitted radio signals (Variable Time fuze).

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What is Patton’s secret weapon?

George S. Patton’s troops lined up and began shelling German tank crews. Most shells with impact fuses would have detonated on the ground. But Patton’s men fired shells with proximity fuses designed to detonate about 10 feet above the ground, creating lethal storms of shrapnel.

What is a PD fuze?

The PD544 is a mechanical point deto- nating artillery fuze with super-quick and delay functions. The fuze design incorporates a fully Insensitive Munitions (IM) compliant firing train which provides enhanced safety during storage, transportation and operational use.

How accurate was anti aircraft fire in ww2?

Bottom line, anti-aircraft fire was effective, but not overwhelmingly so in most cases. Quite effective, considering they don’t shoot guided missiles. Towards the end,they were guided by radar,so extremely effective.

What is variable time fuze?

Variable Time Fuze A Variable Time (VT) fuze is an artillery fuze equipped with a system that emits radio signals as the projectile approaches the target. The echo, or return pulse, from the target causes the fuze to automatically detonate the projectile at a set altitude over the target.

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What is a PD Fuze?

Did WW2 torpedoes have proximity fuses?

Bombs and rockets fitted with radio proximity fuzes were in limited service with both the USAAF and USN at the end of WW2. The main targets for these proximity fuze detonated bombs and rockets were anti-aircraft emplacements and airfields.

How did cannonball fuses work?

When the cannon fired, the flame of the propelling charge wrapped around the ball and ignited the exposed powder train, which in turn sparked the bursting charge after burning for the selected number of seconds. Contrary to Hollywood films and popular lore, these cannonballs did not explode on contact.

Are flak guns still used?

As “Flak” existed in the twentieth century, no, however, a modern equivalent of the radar guided air defense gun is deployed widely by all major militaries.

Why are there no unexploded AA shells in WW2?

This was so no unexploded shells could be retrieved by the enemy . Most large caliber AA shells used in WWII however were of the timed fused variety. If you fire a gun at a moving target 10.000 meter up in the air, there is little chance you can hit it by aiming.

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How did AA guns work?

Depends on the type of AA gun. Small caliber AA (20mm,40mm ect) exploded on impact. Large caliber AA (3 inc and up) used mostly shells that had a timed fuse. The were time to explode at a certain altitude. You had charts with firing angle and velocities of the shells so you could set the fuse to go off ant the proper altitude.

How do anti-aircraft artillery weapons work?

Anti aircraft artillery projectiles use a (mechanical or electronic) time or proximity (or combination of both) fuse. Thus the projectile explodes at the expiration of a specific preset time, or when in proximity to a target which reflects it’s emitted radio signals (Variable Time fuze).

Why was the proximity fuse only used over water in WWII?

For a long time after it’s introduction the proximity fuse was only allowed to be used over water. This was so no unexploded shells could be retrieved by the enemy . Most large caliber AA shells used in WWII however were of the timed fused variety.