
Why do moms blame everything on video games?

Why do moms blame everything on video games?

TL:DR Because they don’t understand them well. Usually this is because of the fact they haven’t grown up with them, or they are new on the scene, for example women showing there ankles were hated by parents fearing it made their children “slutty.” This then turned into a laughable item 10/20 years later.

Is taking away video games a good punishment?

“It’s very important for parents to make a connection between the behavior and what is being taken away, particularly as a child gets older. For instance, if they fail to obey rules around devices or video games, it makes sense to take those away as punishment,” Fox tells Romper.

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What percent of parents are against video games?

A recent study by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) shows that more than 90 percent of parents don’t monitor ratings on the video games played by their kids.

How long do you ground a teenager?

Grounding for a week, or two or three weekends is probably sufficient to get the message across without losing it over time. A month may be too long. As the parent of a teen, a shorter time gives you a lesser chance of caving in and reducing the grounding period later.

Does taking your child’s phone help?

A study reveals that the use of technology as a bargaining chip for behavior modification can actually impact the trust between you and your child. When their phone is taken away, they associate this as taking away a part of themselves rather than a punishment for bad behavior. To them it’s unjust.

Why do parents think gaming is bad?

Parents want to make sure that their children are safe and healthy. For example, if a video game has lots of fighting in it, they worry that playing it will encourage their child to be violent. They are concerned that their child might always choose to play a video game instead of playing outside and getting exercise.

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Do parents think video games are bad?

Almost half of the parents believe teen gaming cuts down on homework time, and 42\% of parents of daily gamers said that playing video games negatively impacted teens’ moods, compared to 32\% of parents whose teens played less frequently.

Why do people hate video games so much?

It is because they are ignorant assholes. They always think as video games are as they were when the Atari was out, a small pixel moving on the screen that just wastes time and is antisocial. They refuse to understand that you can make lifelong friends that you would have never met if you didn’t play.

Why do some parents ban their kids from playing video games?

This is fear-based parenting – the parent does not want their child to succumb to “horrors” of becoming the media-portrayed video-gamer, or they don’t want their child to go down the path they did. The parent is afraid, and is more likely to ban or severely limit any contact with games.

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Do video games mean you have “no life?

Parents scolded their kids for playing Halo instead of playing outside. Teachers insisted Gameboys were not allowed in school. Even the peers of these hardcore gamers—usually the ones who preferred football to Madden—insisted that video games meant that you had “no life.”

Are video games a waste of time?

Video games are what you make of them. They can be a huge waste of time and ruin your entire life if you let them, but I tend to think that the type of people that waste their life playing video games wouldn’t have been a productive person regardless if they had video games. Your parent really do just want what’s best for you.