
Why do people dislike the Weasleys?

Why do people dislike the Weasleys?

If Ron wasn’t temperamental, insecure, occasionally jealous, a jerk once in a while, people would call him a Mary Sue. Because for some reason, people hate the members because they have flaws like normal person.

Did Molly Weasley prefer Harry?

Her love for Harry was like that of a mother. She loved him as one of her son’s and did everything she would do for her weasley’s or probably even more. It was to help Harry that she sent her own son Ron on a death mission with Harry, She lost her home, her son and gave countless sacrifices for Harry.

What did Draco say about Molly Weasley?

Her children repay Mrs. Weasley’s huge loyalty in kind. When Draco Malfoy waves an article about Arthur Weasley in Ron’s face, he shouts, “A picture of your parents outside their house – if you can call it a house! Your mother could do with losing a bit of weight, couldn’t she?” (13.85).

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Is Ginny Weasley hated?

Ginny Weasley isn’t the most hated character by any means, but she isn’t well-loved in the same way that characters like Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, and the trio are. While many fans enjoy her, those who don’t think she should have been with Harry aren’t as big of fans.

Why is Fleur hated?

Because, frankly Fleur was condescending and rude. -She criticized everything. -She was rude towards Tonks. Ginny hated her because Fleur was Harry was attracted to Fleur.

Does Molly see Harry as a son?

While there were times in Harry Potter where Molly was overprotective of Harry, she was also right to remember that he was a child. While other adults in his life such as Dumbledore saw him as somewhat of a pawn and forgot how young he was, Molly always saw him as a kid who needed care and protection.

Did Molly save Harry?

Although Molly had always been kind and looked out for Harry, right from the moment she helped him on to platform nine and three-quarters in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, she became so much more after comforting him that night in the hospital wing.

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Did Molly use Avada Kedavra?

In the book she didn’t, it was a stronger Stupefy in the movie it is unclear what curse she used but it wasn’t Avada Kedavra. It is quiet clear in the books that there are more than one way to kill someone magically, it happens twice: Sirus and Bellatrix.

Is Cho Chang evil?

Cho Chang is one of the supporting characters that isn’t well-liked by fans and that most characters in the book don’t seem to like that much either. Much of the hate directed towards her just seems to come from her being a love interest rather than because she is a bad character.

Why does Ginny Weasley hate Fleur?

Ginny hated her because Fleur was Harry was attracted to Fleur. Hermione hated her because Ron was attracted to Fleur. Molly weasley hated her because she hated Fleur’s attitude and thought Bill and her arr rushing into things. Overall, Fleur was a brave character who loved her husband.