
Why do the Montagues and Capulets hate each other?

Why do the Montagues and Capulets hate each other?

In the prologue it says that the hatred between the two families is ancient. The Montague’s and Capulet’s hated each other, because their families have been at an ancient feud and they are just maintaining what their ancestors did. They hate each other because of the reason for the feud between them.

What is the conflict between the Montague and Capulet families?

Being a Capulet, Tybalt is very upset when Romeo, a Montague, crashes a Capulet party. This is the origin of the feud between these two, and it eventually leads to the death of Tybalt at the hands of Romeo, after he killed one of Romeo’s close friends.

What are the 2 families in Romeo and Juliet fighting?

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Romeo and Juliet begins as the Chorus introduces two feuding families of Verona: the Capulets and the Montagues. On a hot summer’s day, the young men of each faction fight until the Prince of Verona intercedes and threatens to banish them. Soon after, the head of the Capulet family plans a feast.

How does the fight between the Capulets and Montagues begin?

The play opens with servants of each family starting an argument in the street. The fighting escalates, and although Benvolio (a Montague) tries to break it up, Tybalt (a Capulet) encourages the men to draw their swords. Benvolio then talks with his cousin Romeo.

How are the Montagues and Capulets similar?

In Romeo and Juliet, the Capulets and Montagues are both noble families. They hold status, power, and influence in the fictional town of Verona. The two families are equal in their power, and have an equally high amount of respect within the town.

What happened at the Capulet’s party?

Capulet’s Party At the party, Romeo spots a girl, Juliet, and is captivated by her. Meanwhile, Tybalt recognises Romeo as a Montague and plans to kill him. Capulet overhears Tybalt’s rage and apprehends him, desiring peace at his party. Romeo meets Juliet and they talk and kiss.

Who tries to break up the fight between the Montague and Capulet servants in Romeo and Juliet?

The fighting escalates, and although Benvolio (a Montague) tries to break it up, Tybalt (a Capulet) encourages the men to draw their swords.

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What is the Montague family like?

The House of Montague in “Romeo and Juliet” is one of “fair Verona’s” two feuding families—the other being the House of Capulet. They can be seen as the less aggressive of the two clans, occasionally making efforts to maintain peace while the Capulets are more often instigators.

How many times did the Montagues and Capulets fight?

The Capulets and Montagues have fought 3 times in the street. How has Romeo been spending his days recently?

What do we learn about the two families from the Prince?

What do we learn? The Montagues and Capulets are rival families who regularly fight each other. The Prince warns Lord Capulet and Lord Montague that if there is another fight they shall pay for it with their lives. Romeo is in love with Rosaline.

How are the Capulets good parents?

However, Juliet addresses her father as ‘father’, which would imply that he is closer to his daughter than his wife is. In Act 1 Scene 2, Lord Capulet has the interview with Paris where he asks for Juliet’s hand in marriage. So, in their fashion, the Capulets are good parents.

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Why did the Montagues and the Capulets hate each other?

It is presumed that the Montagues and the Capulets hated one another because both families wanted to be the most powerful in Verona. The famous play “ Romeo and Juliet ” by William Shakespeare never fully explains the reason behind the feud, though it is assumed to have lasted for many years.

Why does Mercutio Curse both the Montagues and Capulets?

Mercutio curses the Montagues as well as the Capulets because his death, in his mind, is the result of the feud between these families. Tybalt comes looking to challenge Romeo because he wants to fight the son of his family’s great enemy to pay him back for attending their celebration uninvited the night before.

Why is the Prince angry with Capulet and Montague?

The Prince is angry with these two men because of the feud that has been going on between their two families. You could say that it should not be the Prince’s business if the two houses are feuding, but it becomes his business because of the way it spills over into the streets.

Why is the Prince angry with the Montagues and Capulets?

The prince; he is angry because this is the third time the Montagues and Capulets have disturbed the streets, causing several civil brawls.