
Why do we need to know Chinese literature?

Why do we need to know Chinese literature?

The study of Chinese literature and culture will help you bridge the cultural gap, better understand your Chinese counterparts, and create a platform of knowledge and understanding with them that is crucial for effective communication.

Is modern Chinese literature influenced by the Western culture?

Since the modern period, however, Chinese poetry has been heavily influenced by Western poetry, which helped drive the rise of a modernist group in China. Chen’s essay traces the history from the May Fourth period to the present.

Is Chinese a literary tradition?

Chinese literature is one of the major literary heritages of the world, with an uninterrupted history of more than 3,000 years, dating back at least to the 14th century bce.

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What were the main achievements in Chinese literature?

Chinese scholars traditionally have considered the Han fu-rhapsody, Tang shi-poetry, Song ci-song lyrics, and Yuan qu-drama, as the highest literary achievements of their respective dynasties. However, Chinese literature embraces a far wider range of writing than these four literary genres.

How important is learning Chinese Mandarin language in communicating Chinese tourists?

Knowing the Chinese language will enable you to communicate better with Chinese speaking people and provide you with a better understanding of Chinese culture. By learning Mandarin you will be able to speak with more people than any other language- including English.

Which one do you know about Chinese literature?

The most important of these philosophical writings, as far as Chinese culture are concerned, are the texts known as The Five Classics and The Four Books (The I-Ching, The Classics of Poetry, The Classics of Rites, The Classics of History, The Spring and Autumn Annals, The Analects of Confucius, The Works of Mencius.

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What other reasons are associated in learning foreign language like the Mandarin?

Here are 10 reasons why you should study Chinese Mandarin.

  • China is the most widely spoken language in the world.
  • Countries that speak Mandarin.
  • Learn about history and culture of China.
  • Make friends with different cultures.
  • It is good for business.
  • Learning Mandarin is easier than you think.
  • Improve your artistic skills.
  • Do you agree that Chinese Mandarin is quickly becoming the language of business and tourism Why?

    Chinese is quickly becoming the language of business and tourism, so by learning it now, you’ll be benefiting your future business self. With this many people speaking Mandarin, you will most likely do business with someone that speaks the language. This is business gold for your employer and for yourself.