
Why do you keep the E on Mangeons?

Why do you keep the E on Mangeons?

If we just conjugate with the ending -“ons” for first person plural we will end up pronouncing “mangons “ (hard G). So the extra “e” in “nous mangeons” is there to ensure we pronounce the word with a soft G like the rest of the verb (je mange/vous mangez..)

What’s the difference between Mange and Manges in French?

“Je mange.”= “I eat.” “Tu manges.” = “you eat.” “Il/Elle mange.” = “He/She eats.” It’s simply a matter of the rules for conjugation of -er verbs, and specifically the verb “manger” (infinitive form) meaning “to eat” in French.

How do you conjugate to eat in French?

Manger is a regular French -er verb, but it is also a spelling-change verb….Conjugations of Manger.

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(tu) mange
(nous) mangeons
(vous) mangez

Why is it Mangeons instead of Mangons?

Without the “e,” this sounds like “man-guhon” instead of the characteristic soft g sound: “man-jhon.” So in French, we keep the “e” in order to maintain the characteristic sound of the verb. Adding the “e” also applies to the vowels a, o, and u.

What is the meaning of Mangeons?

eat, are eating
eat, are eating, eating.

What is the difference between Manges and mange and Mangez?

So, when talking about yourself, “Je mange…”. When talking to someone about them, “Vous mangez…”. OR “Tu manges…”. When talking about more than one person and yourself included, “Nous mangeons…”.

What is the difference between tu and vous in French?

Knowing when to use which French pronoun will help you navigate through many social situations. “Tu” is only used to address one person, while “vous” is used to address one or more people. As a singular second person pronoun, “vous” is used in more formal contexts while “tu” is more familiar.

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Why is it Nous Mangeons and not nous Mangons?

Why is it nous mangeons instead of nous mangons? You are correct that when conjugating an “ER verb,” the nous form takes an –ons stem added to the root of the word. So in a normal example using the verb “chanter,” we would say nous chantons (we sing).

How do you conjugate Finir?

Conjugate the verb finir:

  1. je finis. tu finis.
  2. il finissait. nous avons fini.
  3. vous finirez.
  4. ils finiraient.

What is the meaning of “je mange” in French?

“Je mange .”= “I eat .” “Tu manges .” = “you eat .” “Il/Elle mange .” = “He/She eats .” It’s simply a matter of the rules for conjugation of -er verbs, and specifically the verb “ manger ” (infinitive form) meaning “ to eat ” in French. Sometimes “mange” means “eat,” and sometimes it means “eats.” I…

What is the verb for manger in French?

Manger is a regular French -er verb, but it is also a spelling-change verb. This means that it takes all the regular -er endings, but a small spelling change is made to the stem for consistency of pronunciation. The stem: the infinitive manger minus the -er ending, which leaves the stem mang-. All endings are added to this stem.

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How do you conjugate “Manger” with “nous chantons”?

You are correct that when conjugating an “ER verb,” the nous form takes an –ons stem added to the root of the word. So in a normal example using the verb “ chanter, ” we would say nous chantons (we sing). However in the case of “manger” we keep the “e” purely for pronunciation purposes.

How do you say “I eat” in French?

“Je mange .”= “I eat .” “Tu manges .” = “you eat .” “Il/Elle mange .” = “He/She eats .” It’s simply a matter of the rules for conjugation of -er verbs, and specifically the verb “ manger ” (infinitive form) meaning “ to eat ” in French. Sometimes “mange” means “eat,”…