
Why does a solid cylinder move faster than a hollow cylinder?

Why does a solid cylinder move faster than a hollow cylinder?

With the same angular speed the hollow cylinder has more kinetic energy of rotation because its mass distribution is close to its surface and, therefore, more particles are moving with greater speed on a greater radius. So, the hollow cylinder should be slower, the solid – faster.

Which will reach fast a solid cylinder or a hollow cylinder if rolled on an inclined plane .justify it?

Acceleration down the inclined plane ∝ 1/K2R2. Solid cylinder has greater acceleration, so it reaches the bottom first.

Why does a solid ball roll faster than a hollow sphere?

This is because the solid sphere will have more of its mass at a smaller distance from the axis of rotation. With its smaller “rotational mass”, the solid sphere is easier to rotate so the solid sphere will roll down a hill faster.

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Does a solid sphere or solid cylinder roll faster?

Objects of equal mass and radius but different shape or solid/hollow will roll down the incline at different rates. Solid sphere is faster than solid cylinder since sphere has lower moment of inertia, higher translational kinetic energy.

Does a solid cylinder roll faster than a hollow cylinder?

You should find that a solid object will always roll down the ramp faster than a hollow object of the same shape (sphere or cylinder)—regardless of their exact mass or diameter. The answer is that the solid one will reach the bottom first.

What is solid and hollow cylinder?

A solid cylinder and a hollow cylinder, both of the same mass and same external diameter are released from the same height at the same time on an inclined plane. Both roll down without slipping.

What is the difference between solid cylinder and hollow cylinder?

A solid surface produced by a line moving parallel to a fixed line, while its end describes a closed figure in a plane is called a cylinder. A hollow cylinder is a cylinder which is vacant from inside and has some difference between the internal and external radius.

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When a solid sphere hollow sphere and solid cylinder and hollow cylinder are allowed to roll down an inclined plane which of these reaches the bottom first?

Detailed Solution. The correct answer is Solid sphere will reach the bottom first. The moment of inertia of the Solid Sphere is smaller than the other two. It means its angular acceleration will be highest and hence, It will roll faster and reaches the bottom first.

What is difference between solid sphere and hollow sphere?

In a hollow sphere all the small particles are located far away from its centre due to which its moment of inertia increases due to this it needs 50\% more torque and in case of solid sphere it has less moment of inertia so less torque required to rotate it to the same extent as that of hollow sphere.

Does a hollow or solid cylinder roll faster?

You should find that a solid object will always roll down the ramp faster than a hollow object of the same shape (sphere or cylinder)—regardless of their exact mass or diameter.

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Why does hollow objects roll slower?

For a given mass, a hollow cylinder has more material away from the axis than a solid cylinder, so its moment of inertia is higher. This means that more of the potential energy is being turned into spinning the cylinder, so less is left over for the translational KE. It rolls more slowly down the slope.

What is the difference between hollow and solid cylinder?