
Why does Bender raise his fist?

Why does Bender raise his fist?

The fist pump symbolized the optimism that he was once lacking in the beginning of the movie from the other branded teens present. As the movie progressed however, Bender’s behavior displayed basic goodness, and that he wasn’t really the stereotype that other’s believed him to be at all.

What does the ending of the breakfast club mean?

Brian expresses it succinctly at the conclusion of his essay:”[…] we found out that each of us is a brain, and an athlete, and a basket case, a princess, and a criminal.” They’ve all shared their experiences and successfully identified with each other.

What did Bender do in The Breakfast Club?

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And finally, John Bender is in detention for pulling a fire alarm and fighting with the school’s teachers and students. Bender, the criminal pulled a fire alarm. Claire, the princess, ditched school to go shopping.

What is John Bender stereotype?

Stereotype: John Bender first comes off as a very stereotypical character, the reckless out of control bad boy who doesn’t care what people think and loves to cause problems with both his authorities and class mates.

Is the principal in The Breakfast Club benders dad?

Richard “Dick” Vernon is the grumpy vice principal of Shermer High School as well as the detention supervisor and the main antagonist of the film….

Richard Vernon
Alias(es): Dick -John Bender and Carl the Janitor Rich -John Bender Sir. -John Bender, Brian Johnson, Andrew Clark, Claire Standish

How does John Bender change by the end of the movie?

John Bender is one of the main characters in The Breakfast Club, serving as the anti-hero. Initially, he shows no respect towards anyone; especially the teachers and the school property. But by the end of the film he begins to accept the idea of kindness, and starts showing it towards the others; in particular, Claire.

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Why does Claire end up with Bender?

That Bender is attracted to Claire makes him more interesting to Claire. He has to hide this as best he can because, as tough as he likes to make himself out to be, he doesn’t want to be rejected. Claire plays his games back at him precisely because there is a game. She both wants to resist and to play another move.

Why is John Bender a bully?

Johnny lived with an abusive step-father, who heckled and bullied him daily, leading to the former becoming a bully. This makes a difference, as Bender was mostly physically abused (while also being emotionally/verbally abused), while Johnny was only shown being emotionally/verbally abused.

Is there a Breakfast Club 2?

Sadly, following the death of John Hughes in 2009, The Breakfast Club 2 never came to be, but this is not the first time that one of the original cast has discussed the idea of a sequel.