
Why is Dota 2 community so toxic?

Why is Dota 2 community so toxic?

Why? Because they just don’t understand how the skills works. And they don’t take their time to learn. The nature of the anonymity of the internet, where people think they can speak freely, they can hurt people with words as they pleased, and think they are the god of human race who can never be wronged.

Is DOTA a toxic game?

As of 2021, Dota 2 is no longer the most toxic game as Valorant has taken the top spot. But Dota 2 is still considered to be highly toxic. 79\% of Valorant players reported encountering harassment of some kind while playing the game compared with Dota 2’s 78\%.

Is Dota 2 the most toxic online game?

According to a new study Dota 2 has the most toxic online community A recent study has found that 74\% of those who play online multiplayer titles have been on the receiving end of some form of harassment in-game.

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What is the point of Dota 2?

Dota 2, just like League of Legends, is a complex MOBA game played in a team vs team format. It also involves people emotionally, like watching Schindler’s List for the first time level of emotional reponse. Which means you’re going to war (digitally of course) with your army of randomly selected teammates and hoping to win (you must, right?!).

Is Dota 2 community better than League of Legends?

Although we could argue that in the esports-side of Dota 2 vs LoL, the prize pool of Dota 2’s The International series is enough to solely proclaim is Dota 2 community better than LoL? Well, that wouldn’t be fair for the LoL fans, whose community certainly has a much larger playerbase, viewer count and a more develop esports scene as a whole.

Is League of Legends a toxic community?

While League has an extremely toxic community, the level of toxicity varies throughout the world as some regions may be much more toxic than others. Not only this, but each region has a dominant type of toxic player. Though Korea is widely regarded as the best region in LoL, consistently producing the highest level of competitive talent such as

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