
Why is it named The Thin Red Line?

Why is it named The Thin Red Line?

The novel’s title alludes to a line from Rudyard Kipling’s poem “Tommy”, from Barrack-Room Ballads, in which he calls British foot soldiers “the thin red line of heroes”, referring to the stand of the 93rd Regiment in the Battle of Balaclava of the Crimean War.

What does thin red line mean in war?

When a band of soldiers holds out against a larger force – no matter the colour of their uniform – they might be referred to as a thin red line. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the term originated in a battle involving the British redcoats.

Is The Thin Red Line a true story?

In the 1962 James Jones novel on which it is based, this is a story about the Guadalcanal campaign, fought in the Solomon Islands in 1942-3.


The Thin Red Line is one of the best known of all Scottish historical paintings and is the classic representation of Highland military heroism as an icon of Scotland. Robert Gibb painted The Thin Red Line 25 years after the incident it depicts, inspired by Alexander Kinglake’s book The Invasion of the Crimea.

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What was the thin red line in British India?

The 93rd Sutherland Highlanders became immortalised as ‘the Thin Red Line’ after facing down the Russian cavalry at the Battle of Balaklava on October 1854.

What is the thin white line?

Thin White Line Meaning For first responders, the Thin White Line represents EMS Officials. Currently, there are over 241,000 EMS Officials serving in America today. The Thin White Line honors all those who serve in emergency medical services, including Paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians.

Who was cut out of the thin red line?

Adrien Brody Was Shocked By His Abrupt Demotion in ‘The Thin Red Line’: ‘It Was Extremely Unpleasant’ After taking a more than 20-year break from making movies, film director Terrence Malick returned to Hollywood with his war movie The Thin Red Line.


The thin red line flag was developed to show support and solidarity with fire service personnel and to honor injured or fallen firefighters. The thin blue line flag was created to show support for law enforcement.

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When was the thin red line flag created?

It was developed in 1999 by the Apex Volunteer Fire Department of Apex, North Carolina.

When did The Thin Red Line flag start?

The emblem of the “Thin Red Line” was developed by the Apex (NC) Volunteer Fire Department in 1999 to show respect to fallen firefighters and to those who protect our lives and property every day.

What is the green lives matter Flag?

The thin green line is a symbol that is used to show support for federal law enforcement agents such as border patrol, park rangers, and conservation personnel. The thin green line is also used to show support for the men and women of our military.

What does a yellow Lives Matter flag mean?

The Thin Yellow Line or Tow Lives Matter flag was created to bring awareness to Slow Down, Move Over Laws. If you see people on the side of the road you slow down and if it is safe you move over. This flag is made of printed polyester and finished with a header and grommets.

What is the history of the thin red line?

In November 1854, The Times war correspondent William Russell, writing from the Crimea, reported that an attack by Russian cavalry had been repulsed, having come up against a piece of ‘Gaelic rock… a thin red streak topped up with a line of steel’ – a description that would later become ‘the thin red line’.

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What was the Thin Red Line in the Crimean War?

The Thin Red Line refers to an episode in the Battle of Balaklava on 25 October 1854, during the Crimean War. In this incident, around 500 men of the 93rd (Sutherland Highlanders), aided by a small force of 100 walking wounded, 40 detached Guardsmen, and supported by a substantial force…

What was the Thin Red Line in the Battle of Yorktown?

Campbell formed the 93rd into a line two deep—the “thin red line”. Convention dictated that the line should be four deep. However, Campbell felt he had insufficiently trained men to form square, and met the charge head on with the two-deep firing line. As the Russian cavalry approached, the Turks on the flanks broke and fled.

Where did the 93rd Highlanders come from?

The 93rd Highlanders had been raised in 1799 as the 93rd Regiment of Foot, drawing its recruits mainly from the remote county of Sutherland in the far north of Scotland. In Autumn 1854, the 93rd was defending Balaclava, a small village and port being used by the British as their supply base.