
Why is magnetization current not sinusoidal?

Why is magnetization current not sinusoidal?

If the transformer iron core did not saturate, the magnetizing current (Im), generated by the flux, would be sinusoidal in shape and in phase with the flux. The result is that the magnetizing current is symmetrical, but cannot be sinusoidal due to the magnetization curve nonlinearity.

Why is current through a transformer not sinusoidal?

The magnetization current is not sinusoidal. It has a higher-frequency component due to magnetic saturation in the transformer core. 2. In the saturation region, a large increase in magnetizing current is required to provide a slight increase in the flux.

What affects magnetic flux?

Faraday’s law states that the EMF induced by a change in magnetic flux depends on the change in flux Δ, time Δt, and number of turns of coils.

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Why is AC sinusoidal?

The AC current that powers your home happens to be sinusoidal because the generators we use produce sinusoidally varying currents by default. It is easier to use it as it is produced than convert it to something else. The net power in an AC cycle is not zero because power is a function of the square of the current.

What is magnetic intensity and magnetization vector?

Answer: The magnetic intensity defines the forces that the poles of a magnet experiences in a magnetic field whereas the intensity of magnetization explains the change in the magnetic moment of a magnet per unit volume.

Can you have negative magnetic flux?

Originally Answered: Can Magnetic field strength (H) and flux density (B) ever be negative? Both are defined as vectors, having both a magnitude and a direction. By that definition, they can be negative if you take the reference direction as being opposite to the direction you’re pointing.

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What happens to the MMF when the magnetic flux decreases?

What happens to the MMF when the magnetic flux decreases? Explanation: Ohm’s law for the magnetic circuit’s states that the MMF is directly proportional to the magnetic flux hence as the magnetic flux decreases, the MMF also decreases.

What happens when the magnetic flux changes in a loop?

If the magnetic flux through a loop of wire changes for any reason either by changing the area, A, of the loop or the field, B, through the loop Then an EMF (voltage) will be induced in the wire. This voltage will cause a current to flow (the induced current in the loop).

Why is the flux in a transformer Peaky sinusoid?

When fed from a sinusoidal supply, the flux setup in the transformer is sinusoidal and no load current is peaky sinusoid with dominant third harmonic. This is because of the non linearity of the ferromagnetic core and saturation associated with it.

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Why is no load current non-sinusoidal?

The no load current is non-sinusoidal because of the non-linearity involved. Both saturation as well as hysteresis render the current non-sinusoidal. When the ac power source is connected to a transformer, a current flows in the primary winding, even when the secondary winding is open-circuited.

What is the unit of measurement for magnetic flux?

The SI unit of magnetic flux is the Weber (named after German physicist and co-inventor of the telegraph Wilhelm Weber) and the unit has the symbol. Because the magnetic flux is just a way of expressing the magnetic field in a given area, it can be measured with a magnetometer in the same way as the magnetic field.