
Why is she suddenly ignoring my texts?

Why is she suddenly ignoring my texts?

There are a variety of reasons why a girl could be ignoring your texts. If you flirt with a girl and she isn’t interested, she may not text back. She may also be busy at work, with her social life, with her family, or with something else.

How long should I wait to text a girl after getting her number?

Don’t wait any longer than two or three days. If a girl gives you her number, it could be because she feels pressured. She may do it out of peer pressure – Her girlfriends are telling her to. Maybe she hasn’t made her mind up, so she gives in to the pressure and hands it over.

Why would a girl text you then not respond?

What if a Girl Initiates Text Then Doesn’t Reply. If she hasn’t texted you back after around 24 hours, she’s likely either extremely busy and would rather wait till she’s completely free to text back. Or maybe she doesn’t want to appear easy and is delaying her reply. Either that, or she’s actively ignoring you.

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Why do girls ignore texts after they give you their number?

Anything which makes them uncomfortable is dispensable. They don’t actually care that ignoring your texts after giving you their number is confusing or hurtful to your pride. With a lot of girls, it never actually even occurs to them. You see, women have an unusual ability most men are unaware of.

How long does it take for a girl to respond to text?

She goes from taking 5 minutes to respond to your texts, to 5 hours. She goes from writing you long text messages to sending mere “lol” or “haha” texts. You wonder why she doesn’t text back like she used to before… is it fading away?

How to tell if a girl likes you over text?

She never speaks in more than two words. “Never escalate on a no, only on a yes.” If you want to know what Yes looks like, check out my article How To Tell If A Girl Likes You Over Text. Now for the next reason why she’s ignoring your text messages. You may be sabotaging the conversation without even knowing it.

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What to do when a girl is not Texting you Back?

A good option for when this happens is to send her a selfie, or show her your Instagram. Don’t be aggressive about it. Just hit her up, and maybe send her a pic with you and a bottle of Gatorade (a welcome savior), or tell he she should follow you on Instagram if she gets the time. And if she still is not texting you back, leave it be.