
Why was the space shuttle carried on a 747?

Why was the space shuttle carried on a 747?

NASA’s Shuttle Carrier Aircraft’s primary purpose was to ferry its Space Shuttles from place to place. This would often constitute a journey from Edwards Air Force Base, California to the Kennedy Space Center’s 4,600-meter ‘Shuttle Landing Facility’ runway in Florida.

Why does NASA have a 747?

The primary purpose of this NASA 747 is for astronomy, more particularly, to capture infrared images of the solar system. Flying at an altitude between 38,000 and 45,000 feet on the 747 allows the telescope to operate above 99\% of the earth’s infrared-blocking atmosphere.

Can a 747 fly to space?

The bottom line is that airplanes can’t fly in space because there is no air in space. Airplanes rely on air to produce both lift and propulsion. Since there isn’t any air in space, airplanes must stay within the Earth’s atmosphere.

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What happened to the Boeing 747?

Boeing’s most iconic aircraft — the 747 — is celebrating 51 years of passenger service in January. Most of the world’s airlines, however, are retiring their 747s in favor of new, fuel-efficient jets. The final models will be delivered to cargo giant Atlas Air in 2022, marking the end of the program.

What is the purpose of Sofia?

SOFIA is designed to observe the infrared universe. Many objects in space emit almost all their energy at infrared wavelengths and are often invisible when observed with visible light.

Did the space shuttle launch from a 747?

In approach and landing test flights conducted in 1977, the test shuttle Enterprise was released from an SCA during flight and glided to a landing under its own control….

Shuttle Carrier Aircraft
Developed from Boeing 747–100

Where is the space shuttle 747?

One is a 747–100 model, while the other is a short range 747-100SR. The SCAs were used to ferry Space Shuttles from landing sites back to the Shuttle Landing Facility at the Kennedy Space Center….

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Shuttle Carrier Aircraft
Developed from Boeing 747–100

Does NASA fly planes?

NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration The NASA Airborne Science Program provides a unique set of NASA supported aircraft that benefit the earth science community. These manned and unmanned aircraft carry the sensors that provide data to support and augment NASA spaceborne missions.

What is the Boeing 747’s tail number?

Known as NASA 905, referring to its tail number, the 747 will deliver space shuttle Discovery to Washington, D.C. on April 17 for public display by the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum.

Can You mount a telescope on a Boeing 747?

“You can slow down the rising and setting of objects when flying west,” he said. In the late 1970s, Boeing pitched NASA on the idea that an airborne telescope could be mounted on a 747. It took until 1996 for NASA and DLR (The German Aerospace Center) to partner up and create SOFIA. Next, they just needed to find the right plane.

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What kind of planes did NASA fly in the Space Shuttle?

NASA flew two modified Boeing 747 jetliners, originally manufactured for commercial use, as Space Shuttle Carrier Aircraft. One is a 747-123 model, while the other was designated a 747-100SR-46 model. The two aircraft were identical in performance as Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA).

What is the most intimate upper deck on a 747?

We wound our way up the 1970s vintage spiral 747 staircase to discover the most intimate of intimate upper decks: A shortened upper cabin consisting of Lufthansa Business class seats. This space army definitely travels on its stomach.