
Would a human be crushed at the bottom of the ocean?

Would a human be crushed at the bottom of the ocean?

You can’t breath at the bottom of the ocean. If you can’t breath, your body won’t stay alive for more than about 30 minutes. But if there’s no air-filled space to be pushed into, the body would not be crushed.

Has anyone ever touched the bottom of the Mariana Trench?

On 23 January 1960, two explorers, US navy lieutenant Don Walsh and Swiss engineer Jacques Piccard, became the first people to dive 11km (seven miles) to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. As a new wave of adventurers gear up to repeat the epic journey, Don Walsh tells the BBC about their remarkable deep-sea feat.

Is the bottom of the Mariana Trench hot?

It’s Hot and It’s Cold The water there tends to range between 34 to 39 degrees Fahrenheit. But what’s surprising is how hot the water can get, too. There are hydrothermal vents throughout the trench.

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How deep can a human go in the ocean before being crushed?

about 35.5 km
Human bone crushes at about 11159 kg per square inch. This means we’d have to dive to about 35.5 km depth before bone crushes. This is three times as deep as the deepest point in our ocean.

What would happen if there were no oceans?

Well, without the oceans, the world loses 97\% of its water. The small amount of liquid left wouldn’t be enough to sustain the water cycle. The pools of drinkable water would evaporate pretty fast. In a matter of days, people and most animals would die from dehydration.

Would it be possible to drain the ocean?

Not much. It would actually take hundreds of thousands of years for the ocean to drain. Even though the opening is wider than a basketball court, and the water is forced through at incredible speeds,[2] the oceans are huge.

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How dark is the Mariana Trench?

The greatest ocean depth ever measured, at the Mariana Trench in the Western Pacific, is about 11,000 meters, almost seven miles!) Below the photic zone, from 200 to 1,000 meters, is the aphotic (a meaning without and photic meaning light) zone. After the aphotic zone, there’s complete darkness.

Is it safe to fart underwater?

Yes, farting is possible while scuba diving but you may have to deal with the embarrassment from the bubbles been seen by other divers. If you feel you have to fart, it is important to let the gas out when you feel it is time to fart because it is possible that the air can expand and may injure you.