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Are blue eyes and blonde hair linked?

Are blue eyes and blonde hair linked?

The first is that blue eyes and blonde hair both come from having less of a pigment called eumelanin. This is just something the two traits have in common — they are not because of the same gene. When genes like these are close together, the traits tend to end up coming in pairs (blonde hair/blue eyes, etc.).

Do all natural blondes have blue eyes?

Having blonde hair doesn’t necessarily mean having blue eyes. It’s a stereotype. Although red hair, light eyes, and light skin do tend to go together, blondies can have eyes that are blue, green, brown, and more.

How common is blue eyes blonde hair?

I can’t really be too sure whether or not they “admire” it as being different or exotic, despite that fact that a clear minority of the population has one or both of these features–the percentage of people in the U.S. with naturally blonde hair is roughly 12\%, and the percentage of Americans with blue eyes is about 17 …

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Do all blue eyed people share the same ancestor?

Blue eyed Europeans seem to have all come from a single ancestor. And since blue eyes are pretty much unheard of elsewhere, it may be that all blue eyed people in the world share that same ancestor.

What are the facts about blonde hair and blue eyes?

Blonde Hair Blue Eyes Facts. 1 1. It’s origin: People with blonde hair and blue eyes are of the European region if you’re not aware of it. When you look at their origin 2 2. The spread of people with this genetic combination: 3 3. Blonde hair with blue eyes percentage: 4 4. No melanin content: 5 5. The high volume of hair:

Are blue eyes dominant or recessive genes?

If you are heterozygous (two different genes), the probability is that half your children will have blue eyes, the other half brown. Brown eyes are dominant, blue eyes are recessive. Hazel and green eyes come from variations on blue — other genes are affecting the blue-eye genes.

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What is the dominant gene for brown eyes and black hair?

Originally Answered: A question about genes, if I have brown eyes and black hair and my wife have blue eyes and blonde hair, what will our son eyes and hair color be , to sum up I want to know what is the dominant gene? Brown eyes are dominant, blue eyes are recessive.