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Are Ezra and Nehemiah the same story?

Are Ezra and Nehemiah the same story?

Ezra–Nehemiah is made up of three stories: (1) the account of the initial return and rebuilding of the Temple (Ezra 1–6); (2) the story of Ezra’s mission (Ezra 7–10 and Nehemiah 8); (3) and the story of Nehemiah, interrupted by a collection of miscellaneous lists and part of the story of Ezra.

Was Nehemiah before or after Ezra?

Many scholars now believe that the biblical account is not chronological and that Ezra arrived in the seventh year of Artaxerxes II (397 bc), after Nehemiah had passed from the scene.

How long after Ezra was Nehemiah?

Book of Nehemiah narrative Learning that the remnant of Jews in Judah were in distress and that the walls of Jerusalem were broken down, he asked the king for permission to return and rebuild the city, around 20 years after Ezra’s arrival in Jerusalem in 468 BC.

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What is the meaning of Nehemiah 7?

Nehemiah rebuilds the walls of Jerusalem. This chapter records the joint appointments of Hanani and Hananiah over Jerusalem and the second appearance of the Golah (“exiles”) list, that is, the list of the first returning group of Jews from Babylon, which was documented earlier in Ezra 2 with few variations.

Is zerubbabel and Nehemiah the same person?

Nehemiah. The reference to Zerubbabel in the Book of Nehemiah is rather brief. The author of the Book of Nehemiah only refers to Zerubbabel in passing when the author states that: “These are the priests and the Levites which came back with Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel and with Jeshua” (Neh. 12:1).

Was Hanani the brother of Nehemiah?

A member of the priestly family of Immer, listed in Ezra 10:20 as having married a foreign wife. Probably a brother of Nehemiah (Nehemiah 1:2; 7:2), who reported to him the melancholy condition of Jerusalem. Nehemiah afterwards appointed him to have charge of the city gates.

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Was Nehemiah a Levite?

Jewish tradition states that Ezra is the author of Ezra-Nehemiah as well as the Book of Chronicles, but modern scholars generally accept that a compiler from the 5th century BCE (the so-called “Chronicler”) is the final author of these books….

Nehemiah 12
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How many people are mentioned in Ezra 2 and Nehemiah 7?

Thirty-three family units are mentioned in both Ezra 2 and Nehemiah 7, with the number of persons from each family specified. Both Ezra and Nehemiah include people not mentioned in the other account: Ezra lists 494 people not listed in Nehemiah, and Nehemiah has 1,765 that Ezra does not account for.

What does the Book of Ezra say about rebuilding the wall?

Ezra ( 4:12-13) shows the event of the rebuilding of the wall. In Nehemiah ( 2:15) it says: “we” build the wall, so both were there. Also in Nehemiah ( 8:9) they are mentioned together. Nehemiah was governor of Judah ( Nehemiah 5:14 ).

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Who was Ezra in the Bible?

The book of Ezra ( 7:6) tells us that Ezra is a scribe who knew the Law of Moses and also had access to the king. Nehemiah ( 8:1-8) gives us even more details on Ezra’s role within the people of Israel.

When did Nehemiah return to Jerusalem?

The building was finished in 6 th year of reign of king Darius 516BC. Ezra returns to Jerusalem in 7 th year of king Artaxerxes which would be 458BC. 432BC Nehemiah was not in Jerusalem but went back to Babylon – when did he return? Maybe 430-425BC The “darics” (mentioned in Ezra 2:69) was a Persian coin which didn’t exist until 515 BC.