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Are the Lord of the Rings movies as good as the books?

Are the Lord of the Rings movies as good as the books?

They’re both excellent. The movies do a better job at storytelling, but the books do a better job at worldbuilding. Some characters are really well done in the films. Others are much better served in the films.

Why Harry Potter is better than Lord of the Rings?

All that said, there are things the Potter books do better than Lord of the Rings: they are better children’s stories; better school stories; better at modern social detail, dialogue, and humour; not better at describing Ultimate Evil (although Ultimate Evil is usually not what I’m reading for) but rather better at …

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How accurate is the Lord of the Rings movies?

But they are not 100\% accurate and, though the original theatrical releases stretch to nearly 10 hours of screen time, the movies leave out an awful lot of Tolkien’s original story. Especially the conclusion that stretches nearly 100 pages past the destruction of the ring and the end of Sauron.

Are the LotR movies faithful?

For the most part, yes. The movies faithfully capture the story and characters of the novels. But they also leave out a lot of lore, and make some questionable story decisions that deviate from the novels in various problematic ways. They’re fantastic movies, but they’re only good adaptations.

Did Harry Potter outsell the Bible?

“Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” shattered world records yesterday as the fastest selling book ever, outdoing just about everything except the Bible. The latest book in the seven-volume series chronicling the exploits of the orphaned teen wizard sold nearly 10 million copies in the first 24 hours.

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Does the Lord of the Rings movie accelerate the story?

Indeed, Peter Jackson’s introductory movie accelerates events that otherwise take a long time to unfold. Though the first movie depicts the hobbits’ escape as a one-day affair, Tolkien’s book dedicates many pages to the exodus.

Why is The Hobbit trilogy better than The Lord of the Rings?

Because The Lord of the Rings trilogy came first, it felt like a breath of fresh air and it was treading on entirely new ground. The Hobbit trilogy felt like a retread of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, because that’s exactly what it was.

Why do people like The Hobbit movies so much?

It’s about the dangerous power of greed. This meant that The Hobbit movies could be lighter and more fun than their more critically acclaimed cousins. Because The Lord of the Rings trilogy came first, it felt like a breath of fresh air and it was treading on entirely new ground.

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Are the Lord of the Rings movies beyond reproach?

That being said, the movies are not beyond reproach. Fans of the books know the extent to which Jackson deviated from Tolkien’s writing, especially in his adaptation of The Two Towers. Characters are distorted, key elements under-emphasized, and major events are skipped over, often in favor of less effective replacements.