Useful tips

At what point is the net electric field due to the two charges equal to zero?

At what point is the net electric field due to the two charges equal to zero?

There is a spot along the line connecting the charges, just to the “far” side of the positive charge (on the side away from the negative charge) where the electric field is zero. In general, the zero field point for opposite sign charges will be on the “outside” of the smaller magnitude charge.

What will be the electric field at centre of the charge from one of the corner is removed?

If the charged particle at A is removed, then the net electric field intensity at point O will be directed from point O towards point A with the same magnitude as due to the particle at point A. Hence the electric field intensity at the centre becomes q4πε0r2 from point O towards point A.

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What will be the electric field at if the charge q at A is replaced by minus Q?

If the charge q at A is replaced by -q, it is equivalent to adding charge -2q at A. Therefore, electric field at O, E2=2q4πε0r2 along OA.

What is the angle of Pentagon?

In the case of a regular pentagon, the interior angle is equal to 108°, and the exterior angle is equal to 72°. An equilateral pentagon has five sides that are equal to each other. The sum of the interior angles of a rectangular pentagon is equal to 540 degrees.

What are the 2 factors that determine the strength of the electric field between two parallel plates?

When a voltage is applied between two conducting plates parallel to each other, it creates a uniform electric field. The strength of the electric field is directly proportional to the applied voltage and inversely proportional to the distance between two plates.

How electric field at the Centre of A Pentagon is zero?

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(i) The point O, the centre of the pentagon is equidistant from all the charges at the end point of pentagon. Thus, due to symmetry, the electric field due to all the charges are cancelled out. As a result electric field at O is zero.

Is electric field at A point always continuous?

Option A-No, the electric field is not always continuous. Note- The electric field because of any charge will be continuous, if there is no other charge in the medium. It will be discontinuous if there is a charge at that viable point.

Why is the electric field at the center of a pentagon zero?

If the electric field E at the center of the pentagon were not zero, it would rotate by θ = 2 π / 5 as well and end up pointing along a different direction as it initially did, which is impossible since the charge configurations before and after the rotation are the same. Therefore, E = 0 in this case as well.

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What is the magnitude of the electric field between two charges?

So each charge is contributing eight newtons per coulomb of electric field at this point which means that the total net electric field would just be 16 newtons per coulomb at that point. That is the net electric field, that’s the magnitude of the net electric field at that point between them.

How many charges are placed at the vertices of a regular pentagon?

Four charges are placed at the vertices of a regular pentagon. What is the magnitude and direction of the electrical field at the geometric centre of pentagon? What is the most popular ADC/load balancer in the market?

How do you find the net electric field of a sphere?

The electric field must be zero inside the solid part of the sphere Outside the solid part of the sphere, you can find the net electric field by adding, as vectors, the electric field from the point charge alone and from the sphere alone We know that the electric field from the point charge is given by kq / r 2.