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Can a Catholic attend an Orthodox wedding?

Can a Catholic attend an Orthodox wedding?

The dispensation to marry in an Orthodox service is necessary only for the lawfulness of the marriage. If it takes place without the dispensation, the Catholic Church still considers the marriage to be valid if both parties were free to marry.

Is Greek Orthodox the same as Catholic?

Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox believers both believe in the same God. 2. Roman Catholics deem the Pope as infallible, while Greek Orthodox believers don’t. Roman Catholic priests cannot marry, while priests in the Greek Orthodox can marry before they are ordinated.

Can Greek Orthodox get married outside?

In the Orthodox Christian Church, the ceremony for the Sacrament of Marriage can’t take place outside of a sanctified Orthodox Church or chapel. In fact, this rule is in place for all the sacraments, not just marriage. Sacraments must occur in a sanctified place.

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Is Jacobite Catholic?

Enter your search terms: Jacobite Church jăk´əbīt˝ [key], officially Syrian Orthodox Church, Christian church of Syria, Iraq, and India, recognizing the Syrian Orthodox patriarch of Antioch as its spiritual head, regarded by Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox as heretical. It was founded (6th cent.)

Do Greek Orthodox believe in divorce?

The Eastern Orthodox Church permits divorce and remarriage in church in certain circumstances, though its rules are generally more restrictive than the civil divorce rules of most countries.

Can Greek Orthodox priests marry?

Under Orthodox rules, a celibate priest cannot marry after ordination, and a non-celibate priest cannot remarry and remain a priest, even if his wife dies, he said. Widowers who remain celibate can become bishops, but that’s happened just once.

How long is a Greek Orthodox mass?

However, the all-night vigil is usually abridged so as to not last literally “all-night” and may be as short as two hours; on the other hand, on Athos and in the very traditional monastic institutions, that service followed by the hours and Liturgy may last as long as 18 hours.

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Can a Greek priest marry outside the Church?

If you decide that you want an outdoor wedding, it is possible. However, a Greek Orthodox priest won’t perform the ceremony unless the space has been consecrated. So, you’ll simply need to work with your priest to figure out what your options are. Some priests may even try to tell you that it isn’t possible.

Can Greek Orthodox get divorced?

Getting an Ecclesiastic Divorce. The Orthodox Church does allow for divorce, and your priest can guide you through the process if this is the avenue you want to take. This will enable the divorcing couple to remain in good standing with the church.

Can Jacobite marry Catholic?

There are lot of inter denominational Christian marriages taking place in Kerala over and above intercaste marriages. Normally in Catholic Jacobite both will join in Malankara Catholic Church.

Can Orthodox priest marry?

Can a Catholic marry an Orthodox in an Orthodox wedding?

Under the old law, therefore, if a Catholic married an Orthodox in an Orthodox ceremony, with no dispensation, the Catholic Church considered the marriage invalid. After Vatican II had concluded, Pope Paul VI was well aware of this contradiction between the Church’s theology, and the canon law prevailing at the time.

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What is a sacramental marriage in the Orthodox Church?

The Orthodox Church, as a rule, accepts as sacramental only those marriages of Christians baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity which are sanctified in the Church’s liturgy through the blessing of an Orthodox bishop or priest.

What is the relationship between the Orthodox and the Catholic Church?

The Orthodox—including Greek, Russian, Romanian, and other national groups—broke away from Rome nearly 1000 years ago, but the Catholic Church considers them to be schismatic rather than heretical. Canon 751 defines “schism” as the withdrawal of submission to the Pope, or from communion with the members of the Church who are subject to him.

What is the Orthodox Church’s view on second marriages?

In the canonical discipline of the Orthodox Church, for example, perpetual monogamy is upheld as the norm of marriage, so that those entering upon a second or subsequent marriage are subject to penance even in the case of widows and widowers.