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Can a family member donate part of their liver to another family member?

Can a family member donate part of their liver to another family member?

Sometimes a healthy living person will donate part of their liver. A living donor may be a family member. Or it may be someone who is not related to you but whose blood type is a good match. People who donate part of their liver can have healthy lives with the liver that is left.

Can I donate part of my liver to my daughter?

Any member of the family, parent, sibling, child, spouse or a friend can donate their liver. Generally, liver donors must: Be at least 18 years old. Be in excellent health.

Can I donate my liver to my dad?

Most of the human organs that are available for transplantation – such as hearts, lungs and corneas – come from people who arrange for their organs to be donated when they die. But two organs, the kidney and the liver, can actually be transplanted from a donor who is alive.

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Can you give your liver to someone else?

Liver — Individuals can donate a portion of their liver which is then implanted into the recipient. The liver cells regenerate after the donation until it has regrown to almost its original size in both the donor and recipient.

Can a person with fatty liver donate liver?

“A liver that’s up to 20\% fatty is accepted for donation. When a donor is diagnosed with 20-30\% fat in the liver, we try to put him or her on special diet and strict exercise regimen to reduce the fat.

Can you donate part of your liver if you are overweight?

If you are overweight, you may still be considered a potential donor if you lose weight. We limit donors to a body mass index of 30 or less. The body mass index is a calculation based upon your height and weight.

Can I donate part of my liver to my husband?

Living Donor Liver Transplant Living donation is possible because the liver is the only organ that can regenerate itself. An adult may be able to donate a portion of their liver to a child or another adult.

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Can parents donate children liver?

This is defined as spouse, parents, siblings, grandparents, and children of the recipient. Any of these can be a donor as long as they are healthy and pass all their tests and fulfil the requirements of the law.