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Can a human survive in the Mariana Trench?

Can a human survive in the Mariana Trench?

The average depth is about 12,100 feet (a little shy of 4,000 meters), and Challenger Deep is about 36,070 Ft. or about 11,000 meters. The atmospheric pressure would be anywhere from double to quadruple the pressure at sea level. If you tried to inhale, you would probably die.

How long would you survive in the Mariana Trench?

Without food and drinking water, a person stranded at sea will most likely not be able to survive for more than three days.

How long would it take to sink to the bottom of the Mariana Trench?

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The Marianas Trench is around 11,000m deep, which means it would take around 90minutes to reach the bottom.

Is it dark at bottom of Mariana Trench?

The greatest ocean depth ever measured, at the Mariana Trench in the Western Pacific, is about 11,000 meters, almost seven miles!) From 1,000 meters below the surface, all the way to the sea floor, no sunlight penetrates the darkness; and because photosynthesis can’t take place, there are no plants, either.

Can I swim in Mariana Trench?

Swimmers are usually used to connect and disconnect diving bells and submarines used to research the depths. It is no more dangerous or safe than the rest of the ocean.

Has anyone been to bottom of Mariana Trench?

On 23 January 1960, two explorers, US navy lieutenant Don Walsh and Swiss engineer Jacques Piccard, became the first people to dive 11km (seven miles) to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. As a new wave of adventurers gear up to repeat the epic journey, Don Walsh tells the BBC about their remarkable deep-sea feat.

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How deep is the ocean in the Marianas Trench?

However, there are still over 4,000 feet of ocean to drain, the last drop from the Marianas Trench, which sits at a depth of 10,911 meters.

How deep in the ocean is it drained?

By 6000 meters, most of the ocean is drained except for the deep ocean trenches, the deepest of which is the Marianas Trench at a depth of 10,911 meters. Animation of the draining of the Earth’s oceans.

What would the earth look like if the oceans were drained?

Clip shows what the Earth would look like if the oceans were drained with land appearing at around 459 feet The central area of the ocean begins to appear at depths of 6,500ft and by 19,685 feet the water is gone However, areas with deep sea trenches still have some remnants of ocean water like the Marianas Trench

What is the depth of the mid-ocean ridges?

The mid-ocean ridges start to appear at a depth of 2000 to 3000 meters. By 6000 meters, most of the ocean is drained except for the deep ocean trenches, the deepest of which is the Marianas Trench at a depth of 10,911 meters.

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